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Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture


Goal and objectives of the course: 

By this course of education, the students receive knowledge for the lows of heredity and variability, for the selection and breeding of ornamental plants.

The aim of section “Genetics”, is to introduce the students with the knowledge in heredity and variability of living organisms on molecular, cell, organism and population level in the natural and artificial populations. The aim of second section is to learn the specific methods of genetics and breeding and their application in the work with ornamental plants.

The main tasks for the realization of the aim in section “Genetics” are related with the receiving of knowledge from the students for the biochemical basis of heredity, gene and its functional conditions, the organization of the genetic material in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, genetic basis of the propagation, Mendel’s lows for the heredity, gene interactions, genetics of the sex, cytoplasmic inheritance, types of biological variability, genetics of the ontogenesis, population genetics and genetic transformation.

The main tasks for the realization of the aim in section “Breeding” are focused to the receiving of knowledge from the students for sources of initial plant material and methods for its conservation, natural and artificial selection, using of methods for increasing of biological diversity by introduction of new species and sexual hybridization, alternation of the heredity by mutagenic factors.

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