with the participation of lecturers from the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Forestry in Sofia
- Iliev I. Project № BG051PO001-3.1.07-0074 "Updating the curricula for the specialties in the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture"
- Iliev I., Iliev NA, Iliev IA, Varbeva LG 2014-2015. Study of the forest culture experience and the reproduction of the common maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) Contract 64 / 6.02.2014, University of Forestry.
- Iliev I. Project No BG051PO001-3.3.06-0056, financed by the Human Resources Development Operational Program and co-financed jointly by the ESF of the EU and the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science
- Kovachev, A. (MANAGER) Project: "Modernization and Upgrading of the Educational Infrastructure of the University of Forestry, Sofia" under Operational Program "Regions in Growth" 2014-2010 for a total value of 3 263 456, 54 BGN, from which make up 92% of the grant (financing from the European Regional Development Fund - 78% and National funding - 14% or a total of 2 998 108, 24 BGN). The project started in 2016 - on September 28, 2016 an Agreement was signed between MRDPW and the Technical University. Public procurement: design, copyright supervision, construction supervision, project publicity, etc. in the period 03.01.2017 - 31.05.2017; Contract for Public Procurement for Construction N 59 of 14.06.2017. Beginning of Construction Works - First Dig on 10.07.2017. Annex 2 of 01.12.2017. On July 20, 2018, the site was approved by the State Acceptance Commission. On 27.07. In 2018, the Permit for use N CT-927 of the National Building Control Directorate (DNSC) was issued. On September 18, 2018, a final PRESS CONFERENCE was held for the successful completion of the project. On 25.09.2018, the site was officially opened as an emphasis in the opening of the New Academic Year 2018/2019
- Kovachev, A. (MANAGER) (2018) Part "Landscaping and Improvement of Separate Parts of the Yard of Office Building - '' Expo 2000 '', Plot V, Sq. 1, Pogrebite - Borisova Gradina - Part I, Sofia. (2017). Design: 2018 Phase: Technical design. Construction: 2018
3. Malinova, L., M. Nustorova, D. Malinova, K. Petrova, P. Pavlov, B. Grigorov-Pesheva *, D. Ilieva, A. Slavchov. Assessment of the risk of degradation processes in soils from the territory of Vitosha Nature Park. NIS Contract No. 22 dated 7 March 2018 - Kovachev, A., (2018) Clinic for small animals with educational halls and laboratories in the UPI - I for EDUCATION, square 274, Studentski Grad, Sofia (Block A and B). Design: 2017 Phase "Technical design. In 2018, the investment project was approved in all instances in accordance with the Spatial Planning Act (SPA).
- Malinova, L., M. Nustorova, D. Malinova, K. Petrova, P. Pavlov, B. Grigorova-Pesheva *, D. Ilieva, A. Slavchov. Assessment of the risk of degradation processes in soils from the territory of Vitosha Nature Park. NIS Contract No. 22 dated 7.03.2018
- Project No BG05M2OP001-2.002-0001 "Student Practices - Phase 1", funded by OP "Science and Education for Intelligent Growth", co-financed by the European Structural and Innovation Funds. Participation as a Leading Functional Expert for LTU - Partner of MES - Prof. M. Doncheva, Assoc. E. Tsvetkova, Assoc. Prof. D. Karatotev, Assoc. Prof. S. Anisimova, Assoc. N. Zafirov
- Malinova, L., M. Nustorova, D. Malinova, K. Petrova, P. Pavlov, B. Grigorova-Pesheva *, D. Ilieva, A. Slavchov. Assessment of the risk of degradation processes in soils from the territory of Vitosha Nature Park. NIS Contract No. 22 dated 7.03.2018
6. Project No BG05M2OP001-2.002-0001 "Student Practices - Phase 1", funded by OP "Science and Education for Intelligent Growth", co-financed by the European Structural and Innovation Funds. Participation as a Leading Functional Expert for LTU - Partner of MES - Prof. M. Doncheva, Assoc. E. Tsvetkova, Assoc. Prof. D. Karatotev, Assoc. Prof. S. Anisimova, Assoc. N. Zafirov - Project No BG05M2OP001-2.009-0034 "Support for the Development of Scientific Capacity at the University of Forestry" funded by OP "Science and Education for Intelligent Growth" co-financed by the European Structural and Innovation Funds. - Prof. M. Doncheva, Prof. E. Galev, Assoc. Prof. E. Todorova, Assoc. E. Tsvetkova, Chief Assist. M. Gurkova, Assoc. Prof. D. Karatotev, Assoc. Prof. S. Anisimova
- Assoc. Prof. S. Anisimova - Development of a working investment project for the Reconstruction and reconstruction of the existing building of the NPP thermal power plant in the Center for Arts and Culture, located in RPS IX - for Sports and Attractions, square 1, South park - part II ”according to the plan of the city of Sofia, Investor: CO
- Assoc. Prof. V. Rangelov - Cultural Identity and Energy Efficiency in the Revitalization of the Inter-Block Spaces of the Panel Complexes in Sofia “financed under contract DFI E02 / 20
- Project No BG05M2OP001-2.002-0001 "Student Practices - Phase 1", funded by OP "Science and Education for Intelligent Growth", co-financed by the European Structural and Innovation Funds. Participation as a Leading Functional Expert for LTU - Partner of MES - Prof. M. Doncheva, Assoc. E. Tsvetkova, Assoc. Prof. D. Karatotev, Assoc. Prof. S. Anisimova, Assoc. N. Zafirov
- Project No BG05M2OP001-2.009-0034 "Support for the Development of Scientific Capacity at the University of Forestry" funded by OP "Science and Education for Intelligent Growth" co-financed by the European Structural and Innovation Funds. - Prof. M. Doncheva, Prof. E. Galev, Assoc. Prof. E. Todorova, Assoc. E. Tsvetkova, Chief Assist. M. Gurkova, Assoc. Prof. D. Karatotev, Assoc. Prof. S. Anisimova
- Ivan Paligorov, Emil Galev, Stanislava Kovacheva, Elena Dragozova, Ivaylo Ivanov, Vassil Stiptzov, Kancho Dokov, Velichko Draganov, Sevdalina Dimitrova, Blagovest Djongalov, Naiden Petrov (2011-2015) INTEGRAL (Future-oriented integrated management of European forest landscapes) ), Funding Scheme: EU FP7 Seventh Framework Program (funded under EU Seventh Framework Program).
- Galev E., P. Alexandrov, V. Stilyanov (2014-2015) Development of a 7-year Strategy for the Development of Green Urban Areas (PGI) in Gabrovo and the preparation of annual work and technical plans; Preparation of a work program for training of workers from the Landscaping Unit of Gabrovo Municipality; Subaction 4.2. "Demonstration models, including description of landscaping, certification and GIS of 3 urban areas with a total area of 66 acres" within the framework of the project "Color City" - Implementation Agreement № PF 022-038 / 11.04.2014, Bulgarian-Swiss Program for cooperation. Employer: Municipality of Gabrovo.
- Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Anisimova, PhD - Topic: Maintenance and Enrichment of the Arboretum at the Petrohan School of Public Administration; Head: Prof. St. Yurukov
- Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Anisimova, PhD - Topic: Maintenance and Enrichment of the Arboretum Avramov ”- Yundola; Head: Prof. St. Yurukov Topic: Landscape of anthropogenically affected lands (ballasters) within large agglomerations; Manager: Art. Cor. Prof. Ph.D. At. Kovachev
- Bezlova, D., L. Malinova, M. Doncheva, I. Koleva, D. Karatoteva, E. Tsvetkova, St. Mitkov, G. Velichkona, Art. Georgiev. 2015. “Impact of anthropogenic and natural risk factors on landscapes of the multifunctional zone of the Central Balkan National Park”, NIS-LTU № 97
- Chief Assist. Dr. Desislava Dancheva "SUPPORT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRY" - BG051PO001-3.3.06-0056, Operational Program "Human Resources Development", co-financed by the European Social Fund 2013 of the European Union (EU) 2013
- Assoc. Prof. Plamen Alexandrov, PhD With National Organizations - CAPITAL MUNICIPALITY "Program for the Implementation of the Municipal Strategy for the Development of Physical Education and Sport in Sofia Municipality" PROJECT NAME: Student sport - an investment in the future WORKING COLLEGE: University Sports Club LTU Sofia with project manager Zhelyazko Georgiev and the faculty from the department. FINANCING INSTITUTION: Sofia Municipality and Partners District Administration Sofia - City and Student Municipality. The total value of the project is BGN 4856.00, under contract СО-РД-56-804 / 15.10.2013. PROJECT DURATION: from 01.10. to 06/12/2013