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Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture


Address: Bulgaria, 1797 Sofia, Kliment Ohridski Blvd. 10, University of Forestry, Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture

Location: building A
Administrator – room 323, 3rd floor.
Lecturers – 2 and 3 floors
Laboratories – entomology (322), phytopathology (323), dendrochronology (320), chemistry (202, 313)

Head of department: Prof. PhD Danail Dimitrov Doychev

Department “Plant Pathology and Chemistry” was established in 2005 after the unification of Departments “Pathology and Plant Protection” and “Chemistry and Biochemistry”.

The Department “Pathology and Plant Protection” was established in 1947 under the name “Forest protection”. The first head of the Department was Prof. Dimitar Stefanov, who made significant contribution to the development of the university as Vice Chancellor (1953–1957) and later as Chancellor (1957–1958) of Higher Institute of Forestry. Head of the Department after 1962 was Prof. Bonko Zashev. In 1965, the Department joined with Department “Wildlife Management” and it was renamed “Forest Protection and Wildlife Management”. Prof. Nikola Botev was head of the Department after 1974. For different periods of time head of the Department were Assoc. Prof. Anelia Pencheva and Prof. Alexander Tashev as well. During these years, Prof. Georgi Ganchev and Assoc. Prof. Ivanka Daskalova also gave significant contribution to the development of forest protection and ornamental plants protection as long term lecturers. In 1995, both Departments were divided and head of the newly established Department “Plant protection” was Assoc. Prof. Dinko Ovcharov, and after the end of 1995 – Assoc. Prof. Stefan Mirtchev. Due to the association of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture and Faculty of Agronomy the lecturers Prof. Yordanka Stancheva Assoc. Prof. Georgi Trenchev, Assoc. Prof. Maria Todorova–Panayotova and Assoc. Prof. Rumen Tomov joined the Department during 1999–2003. At the end of 2003 the Faculty of Agronomy was separated again and the Department was divided into: Department of “Pathology and Plant Protection” as part of Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture and Department “Plant Protection” as part of Faculty of Agronomy.

Department of “Chemistry and Biochemistry”, originally named “Chemistry”, was established in 1953 by Prof. Buko Ronkov, who was its head until 1974. During the period 1965–1974 the Department existed under the name “Chemistry and Physics”. From 1974 to 1994 the Department of “Environmental Protection” was also part of this Department, which was subsequently divided again (1994). The newly formed Department was called “Chemistry and Biochemistry” and governed by Assoc. Prof. Viktoria Lachkova until 2000. Lots of associates contributed with their work to the progress of the Department: Assoc. Prof. Anka Parusheva, Assoc. Prof. Lilia Staeva-Bozhova, Prof. Nadka Ignatova, Assoc. Prof. Kristina Hadzhiivanova, Assoc. Prof. Lyudmil Antonov, Assist. Prof. Petar Velev, Assist. Prof. Anzhelina Georgieva.

The Department of “Plant Pathology and Chemistry” exists as structure, known up to nowadays, since 2005, when the union of the Department of “Pathology and Plant Protection” and “Chemistry and Biochemistry” took place. The first head of the newly established unit was Assoc. Prof. Stefan Mirtchev, followed by Prof. Ivan Genov (2012–2016). During this period part-time lecturers were Prof. Ivan Glavchev, Assoc. Prof. Viktoria Lachkova, Chief Assist. Prof. Petia Parvanova and Chief Assist. Prof. Vishnya Stoyanova.

Academic staff of the Department:

  • Prof. Sonya Hristova Bencheva, PhD
  • Prof. Danail Dimitrov Doychev, PhD
  • Assoc. Prof. Sonya Borissova Damyanova, PhD
  • Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Borisova Ivanova, PhD
  • Assoc. Prof. Metodi Hristov Petrichev, PhD
  • Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Georgiev Zafirov, PhD
  • Chief Assist. Prof. Miglena Spasimirova Valyova-Seydeva, PhD
  • Chief Asisst. Prof. Antonia Georgieva Todorova, PhD
  • Chief Asisst. Prof. Stoyka Kostadinova Ruseva, PhD

Office Manager: Mariana Lybenova Krasteva-Bachvarova – building A, room 323, 3rd floor, tel. 91907/455

Courses and lecturers:

Forest protection:

  • Forest entomology (Bachelor degree Forestry). Lecturer: Prof. Danail Doychev, Laboratory classes: Prof. Danail Doychev and Asisst. Prof. Stoyka Ruseva
  • Forest phytopathology (Bachelor degree Forestry). Lecturer: Prof. Sonya Bencheva, Laboratory classes: Chief Asisst. Prof. Nikolay Zafirov
  • Forest protection (Master degree Forestry). Lecturers: Prof. Sonya Bencheva and Prof. Danail Doychev, Laboratory classes: Prof. Danail Doychev and Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Zafirov
  • Plant protection in greenhouses (Master degree Landscape Architecture). Lecturer: Prof. Danail Doychev, Laboratory classes: Asisst. Prof. Stoyka Ruseva
  • Ornamental plant protection (Master degree Landscape Architecture). Lecturer: Prof. Sonya Bencheva and Prof. Danail Doychev, Laboratory classes: Asisst. Prof. Stoyka Ruseva
  • Methods in environmental research (Master degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturer and laboratory classes: Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Zafirov
  • Integrated methods of plant protection (Master degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturers: Prof. Sonya Bencheva and Prof. Danail Doychev, Laboratory classes: Prof. Danail Doychev and Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Zafirov
  • Forest protection (Master degree Business management). Lecturers: Prof. Sonya Bencheva and Prof. Danail Doychev, Laboratory classes: Prof. Sonya Bencheva and Prof. Danail Doychev
  • Introduction of plant protection (Bachelor degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturers: Prof. Danail Doychev and Chief Asisst. Prof. Nikolay Zafirov, Laboratory classes: Chief Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Zafirov and Asisst. Prof. Stoyka Ruseva
  • Sustainable land use (Master degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturer and laboratory classes: Prof. Sonya Bencheva


  • Analytical chemistry (Bachelor degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova, Laboratory classes: Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova
  • Biochemistry (Bachelor degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Ivanova, Laboratory classes: Chief Asisst. Prof Antoniya Todorova
  • Biochemistry (Master degree Veterinary Medicine). Laboratory classes and part of the lectures: Assoc. Prof. Metodi Petrichev.
  • Water supply in populated areas (Master degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova, Laboratory classes: Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova
  • Water pollution and effects on ecosystems (Bachelor degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova, Laboratory classes: Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova
  • Medical chemistry (Master degree Veterinary medicine). Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Ivanova, Laboratory classes: Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Ivanova
  • Inorganic and organic chemistry (Bachelor degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturer: Chief Assist. Prof. Miglena Valyova-Seydeva, Laboratory classes: Chief Assist. Prof. Miglena Valyova-Seydeva
  • Chemistry (Bachelor degree Forest management). Lecturers: Chief Assist. Prof. Miglena Valyova-Seydeva and Chief Asisst. Prof Antoniya Todorova, Laboratory classes: Chief Assist. Prof. Miglena Valyova-Seydeva and Chief Asisst. Prof Antoniya Todorova
  • Chemistry (Bachelor degree Agronomy and Plant Protection). Lecturers: Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Ivanova and Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova, Laboratory classes: Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Ivanova, Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova and Chief Asisst. Prof Antoniya Todorova
  • Chemistry of polymer materials (Bachelor degree Wood Technology). Lecturer: Chief Assist. Prof. Miglena Valyova-Seydeva, Laboratory classes: Chief Assist. Prof. Miglena Valyova-Seydeva

Scientific directions of the lecturers in the department:
Forest protection:

  • Forest Melioration, Forest Protection and Special Forest Uses (Forest Phytopathology)
  • Forest Melioration, Forest Protection and Special Forest Uses (Forest Entomology)
  • Forest Melioration, Forest Protection and Special Forest Uses (Ornamental Plant Protection)


  • Ecology and Environmental Protection
  • Organic chemistry
  • Chemical technology

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