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Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture


 International research projects

  • Project under COST – FP1106 STReESS “Studying Tree Responses to extreme Events: a SynthesiS”. Participation of Dr. Nikolay Zafirov and Dr. St. Mirtchev, 2013-2016. (Project leader: Dr. Ute Sass-Klaassen)
  • Project under COST – – FP0801 „Established and Emerging Phytophthora: Increasing Threats to Woodland and Forest Ecosystems in Europe”. Participation of Dr. St. Mirtchev, 2010-2013.
  • Mapping and identification of the conservation status of the natural habitats and species
  • Alien terrestrial arthropods and their impact on biodiversity in Bulgaria
  • Biodiversity and biology of entomopathogens of economical important forest pest insects in Bulgaria
  • Further development and implementation of an EU-level monitoring system (FUTMON) – “LIFE 07 ENV/DE/000218” (2009-2010)
  • Selection of plots and monitoring attributes for future intensive monitoring (FUTMON) – “LIFE 07 ENV/DE/000218” (2009-2010).
  • „Life+ Project Env Europe“ (Environmental quality and pressures assessment across Europe), 2010 – 2013. Project leader: Svetla Bratoeva – IBES-BAS, Members: N. Ignatova, R. Fikova, S. Damyanova, etc
  • International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests.

National research projects

  • Stocks and a role of the dead biomass in the forest ecosystems of Fagus Silvatica L. in West Balcan Range, 2016-2017. Project leader: D. Doychev, Members: S. Bencheva, S. Damyanova, V. Dimitrova, N. Kodjabashev, students: S. Dipchikova, I. Stamenova, K. Koceva.
  • Improvement of the Information system to the National System for Biodiversity Monitoring (IBBIS), task „Creation of module for collection of data and risk assessment of invasive alien species in Bulgaria, Participation of Nikolay Zafirov, 2015–2016.
  • ESENIAS – A tool to support the management of alien species in Bulgaria (ESENIAS-TOOLS) under East and South European Network for Invasive Alien Species (ESENIAS), Participation of Nikolay Zafirov, 2015–2016.
  • 2(3H)-Benzoxa(thia)zolone derivatives – synthesis and biological activity - 12/19.01.2016, Project leader: prof. Genov, assist. prof. Ivanova, assist. prof. Valyova, associate prof. Genova, prof. Petrov, assist. prof. Gerova, associate prof. Stoyanov, prof. Tashev, assist. prof. Yordanova.
  • Training to enhance the knowledge, skills and competence of management and expert personal of the Food Safety Agency in order to ensure the effective functioning system of phytosanitary control, Participation of S. Bencheva, D. Doychev and N. Zafirov, 2014.
  • Atmospheric СО2 impact on vitality and bioproductivity of Fagus Silvatica L. in a process of diferentiotion, 2010 till now. Project leader: T. Tomchev, Members: S. Damyanova, V. Dimitrova, S. Anev.
  • Assessment of the Environmental components in park Central Balkan, 2014-2015. Project leader: M. Doncheva, Members: L. Malinova, S. Damyanova, L. Kenderov, E. Tcverkova
  • Atmospheric deposition impact on bioproductivity of spruce stands, 2013-2014. Project leader: N. Ignatova, Members: N. Tzvetkova, Y. Poryazov, S. Damyanova, V. Dimitrova, T. Tomchev, S. Anev.
  • Synthesis and isolation of biologically active compounds to evaluate cytotoxic and antioxidant activity – 13/14.03.2012, Project leader: prof. Genov, assist. prof. Ivanova, assist. prof. Valyova, associate prof. Genova, prof. Petrov, assist. prof. Gerova, assist. prof. Stoyanov, prof. Tashev, associate prof. Lachkova, associate prof. Ganeva, student Ivanova.
  • Bio productivity on beech forest. (2012)
  • Aphids (Hemiptera:Aphididae) in Greenhouses for ornamental plants and main pests on plants used in interior vertical gardens. ( 2009-2011).
  • Enhancing research potential by strengthening a local network of laboratories for studying wetland ecosystems functioning, restoration and management (WETLANET) funded by FP7 EC, CSA – SA, REGPOT-2008-2010. Project leader: Svetla Bratoeva – IBES-BAS, Members: N. Ignatova, R. Fikova, S. Damyanova, etc.
  • Impact of anthropogenic and biotic factors on pyitosanitary state and bioproductivity of beech forests, 2008-2010. Project leader: I. Mihov, Members: N. Ignatova, N. Tzvetkova, S. Mirchev, Ch. Hadjiivanova, A. Pencheva, S. Bencheva, M. Dimitrov, S. Damyanova, V. Dimitrova, T. Tomchev, S. Anev.
  • Studies of seed carried pathogens of g. Fusarium and g. Drechslera on some agricultural and forest species”. 2008-2010.
  • Species composition, economical importance and possibilities for control of the Bark beetles (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) in Scots pine plantations in the region of "Strumyani" State Forestry (2005-2009)

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