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Faculty of Forest Industry


Bulgaria, Sofia 1756, bul. “Kliment Ohridski” 10, University of Forestry
Department of Furniture Production;

Administrative activity-building “EFC”, third floor, laboratory 312
Teaching staff - building А, I and IV floor; Educational Laboratory Corpus – I floor
Laboratories - building А – lab. No. 415, 503, 511; Educational Laboratory Corpus – No. 102, 310, 311; Laboratory Hydrothermal Processing of Timber.

Head of Department
Prof. Pavlina Minkova Vodenova

Organizer of Educational activities
Eng. Teodor Hristov Lulchev – building ”EFC”, third floor, laboratory 312, tel. 91907/442


Prof. Pavlina Minkova Vodenova
Prof. PhD Dimitar Hristov Angelski
Assoc. Prof. PhD Neli Nikolova Staneva
Chief Assist. Prof. Desislava Yordanova Hristodorova
Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Vladimir Mihailov
Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Krasimira Aleksieva Atanasova-Aleksandrova
Assist. Prof. PhD Galina Vasileva Kutova
Assist. Prof. Dobrian Mishev Dobrianov

Founder of the “Department of Furniture Production” is the “Department of Mechanical Wood Technology”, founded in 1950 when is formed independent Department of Silviculture then at the Agricultural Academy. Its first director was lec. Petko Chernaev, who become a professor in 1955 and stays head of department until 1966. The initial staff of the department is lec. P. Chernaev – lecturer, assist. E. Enchev (later professor), assist. F. Filipov, quit in 1955, postgraduates Sv. Nikolov (later professor), assist. P. Obreshkov (later professor in the Department of Woodworking Machines). The subjects that are learned in the department are: woodcut production, plywood production, furniture production, drying of lumber, special productions, wood knowledge. Later in the department entered G. Donchev (1954), G. Kiuchukov (1959), N. Yosifov (1961), Hr. Videlov (1966), A. Kavalov (1966). During this period, the department expanded its staff, the number of the studied subjects had increased. By 1966 the supervisor of the department is Sv. Nikolov. During the same period in the department work as lecturers lec. B. Gankov, lec. K. Kirov and assist. N .Todorov. Initially as postgraduates and then as research assistants by the Problem Laboratory of modification of wood, are working G. Abrashev, K. Simeonov and P. Panayotov. In the beginning of 1974 the Department of Mechanical Technology of Wood is divided into two separate departments: Department of Furniture Production with supervisor prof. Sv. Nikolov and Department of Woodworking with supervisor doc. G. Donchev. In the Department of Furniture Production continue to work prof. Svilen Y. Nikolov – supervisor of the department, scientific supervisor of Problem Scientific Research Laboratory of Modification of Wood and lecturer of hydrothermal processing of wood; prof. Encho Enchev lecturer of Woodscience; doc. Georgi Kiuchukov – lecturer of Constructing furniture; doc. Andrei Kavalov – lecturer of Technology of Furniture; sen. assistant Hristofor Lubenov – classes of hydrothermal processing of wood and assist. Nikolai Todorov – classes of Interior Architecture; scientific supervisor Kalin Simeonov - classes of Woodscience I part; postgraduate Panayot Panayotov – classes of Woodscience II part. In the department in 1975 – 1976 as assistants have started work: inj. Genka Blaskova – Woodscience; inj. Iliq Dragazov – Drying of Wood; inj. H. Rusanov – Wood Technology. Consistently they are habilitated as lecturers: assoc. prof. Hristofor Videlov – lecturer of Protection and Modification of Wood; assoc. prof. G. Blaskova – lecturer of Woodscience; assoc. prof. H. Rusanov – lecturer of Special Productions; assoc. prof. Il. Dragazov – lecturer of Hydrothermal Treatment of Wood. In relation of the new structural changes in 1984 the Department of Furniture Production became the name Design and Production of Furniture. As supervisor was selected assoc. prof. A. Kavalov (1984 – 1989). As new lecturers in the department of Design and Production of Furniture entered: assist. N. Terziev – classes of Hydrothermal Treatment of Wood (1988), assist. Y. Genchev – classes of Design of Furniture (1988), assist. R. Raicheva – classes of Interior Architecture (1989), assist. V. Merdjanov – classes of Technology of Furniture (1989). After defending a doctoral dissertation in the field of wood modification assoc. prof. Hr. Videlov is habilitated as a professor of hydrothermal treatment, protection and modification of wood. With a habituated research assoc. prof. G. Kiuchukov is habilitated as a professor of Design of Furniture. After the political changes in the country, he was selected for supervisor of the department (1990 – 1994). In that period as new addition in the department have started work: assist. V. Jivkov – classes of Design of Furniture (1992), assist. B. Kiuchukov – classes of Protection and Modification of Wood (1992). In 1994 for supervisor of the department was selected assoc. prof. Hr. Rusanov (1994 – 1999). In 1996 by the department are detached three educational laboratories: of technology of furniture producing (EFC 102); of adhesives and finishes (EFC 311) and of special production (EFC 310). In 1995 was established a new degree in Faculty of Forest Industry – Interior and Furniture Design and in the development of the educational plan participated sn. assist. Y. Genchev, sn. assist. V. Merdjanov and arch. R. Raicheva. For lecturers in the new specialty by competitions were drawn sin. res. assoc. II degree PhD Georgi Abrashev – lecturer of wood and wooden materials (1995) and sin. res. assoc. PhD P. Panayotov – lecturer of adhesive and finish coatings (1995), who were raised position assoc. prof. in the department in 01.01.1996. For lecturer fundamental course “shape formation” were drawn prof. D. Ermenkov – from the Academy of Arts. Consistently for lecturers in the department are selected: arch. E. Pisareva – lecturer in designing public furniture (1997), assist. PhD E. Trichkova-Vetova – classes of hydrothermal wood processing (1997), assist. T. Lulchev – classes of “Special production of wood products” (1998).

In 1999 the department of Design and Production of Furniture is divided into two: department of “Furniture Producing” with supervisor assoc. prof. Rusanov and department of Interior and Design for Furniture with supervisor prof. Kiuchukov. In the department of Furniture Producing as a assistants entered eng. D. Angelski (2000) and eng. St. Hikov (2004). From December 1999 for supervisor of the department was selected prof. Hr. Videlov who in 2005 because of retirement was replaced by prof. P. Panayotov (2005 – 2007). In the period 2004 – 2007 lec. Hr. Rusanov is dean of Faculty Forestry Industry. In the end of 2007 for supervisor of the department was selected assoc. prof. Hr. Rusanov with a permanently alternate assoc. prof. P. Panayotov who in the begging of 2008 was given the rank professor of Adhesives and Protective and Decorative Coatings. In the middle of 2008 eng. St. Hikov leaves the department and his place was taken from assist. Zh. Georgiev – classes of Building Products of Wood, who was chosen with a contest in the autumn of 2009. In September 2010 assoc. prof. Rusanov was retired on sickness.

In the begging of 2012 the membership of the department includes: 1 professor (prof. P. Panayotov), 3 assoc. Professors (assoc. prof. E. Trichkova – Vetova, assoc. prof. Y. Genchev, assoc. prof. B. Kyuchukov), 4 assistants (sn. assist. V. Merdjanov, sn. assist. T. Lulchev, sn. assist. D. Angelski, assist. J. Georgiev). For guest lecturer by the department works: prof. Andrei Kavalov – Technology of Furniture, and as a part time lecturer prof. Hr. Videlov – Theoretical Base of Modification and Conservation of Wood. From June 2009 for regular doctorants by the department was selected inj. mast. Galina Vasileva with scientific supervisor prof. Panayot Panayotov and inj. mast. Svetlana Davidkova with scientific supervisor assoc. prof. B. Kyuchukov.

In the last 5 years in the department are protected 2 doctoral dissertations:

- June 2010 sn. assist. Dimitar Angelski protects doctoral dissertation in the area of the Technology of Furniture entitled: “Research on the Processes of Plastification and Bending of Parts of Solid Wood”.
- October 2011 inj. master Rumiana Kirilova protects doctoral dissertation entitled “Research of the Properties of Protective and Decorative Coatings formed on wood and wooden materials”.

In December 2011 for supervisor of the department again was selected: prof. Panayot Panayotov.

Organizer of educational activity of the department is eng. Antoaneta Boteva (1989).
Technical support of the educational activity and of the research activity of the department is ensured by eng. Vladimir Mihailov.

The lecturers of the Department of Furniture Production output lectures on the disciplines listed in educational plans of the faculty of Forestry Production and faculty of Economical Management by the University of Forestry on three courses: Wood Technology (ED “bachelor”, ED “master”), Engineering Design (ED “bachelor”, ED “master”) and Economical Management (ED “bachelor”).

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