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Faculty of Forest Industry


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Address: 10 Kliment Okhridsky Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Building В, office 1
Tel.: (+359 2) 91 907/329
Fax: (+359 2) 962 41 98
Miscellaneous Information:

Stela Borisova Tasheva – architect, Professor, PhD

She graduated Architecture at the UACG (University of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy); in1980. Dr. arch. Stela Tasheva graduated from the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Geodesy in Sofia (2001). She earned her PhD on the topic of “Semiotics of Architectural Graphics” at the Institute of Arts Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2012), where three years later became of Associate Professor. She started teaching classes in the Bachelor and in the Master Programs of Engineering Design (in 2012) same as lectures (in 2015).

Leads lectures on the following courses:

  • Theory of Composition (Bachelor Program of Engineering Design);
  • Morphogenesis. (Bachelor Program of Engineering Design);
  • Design Projects Presentation (Master Program of Engineering Design);
  • Introduction to Urban Design (Master Program of Engineering Design);
  • Cultural and Historical Heritage and Design (Master Program of Engineering Design);

Leads design studio classes on the following courses:

  • Theory of Composition (Bachelor Program of Engineering Design);
  • Design Projects Presentation (Master Program of Engineering Design);
  • Introduction to Urban Design (Master Program of Engineering Design)
  • Cultural and Historical Heritage and Design (Master Program of Engineering Design);

Major fields of scientific interests:

  • Theory and history of architecture;
  • Semiotics and composition;
  • Contemporary architecture and design;
  • Architectural graphics, CAD, BIM;
  • Design education.

Detailed CV and List of selected publications

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