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Faculty of Forest Industry


Thesis in the Department “Mechanical Wood Technology”,
2012 ÷ 2023, Degree Bachelor

Student Year Graduation Thesis Supervisor
1 Stefan Yordanov Stefanov 2012 Distribution of hardness of wood by the radius of the stem in certain species of oak Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
2 Eva Sergeeva Traykova 2012 Study on some defects in the wood of pine, oak and beech Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
3 Darina Milkova Iskreva 2012 Influence of the width of the annual ring on the density of the wood of Scots pine and Norway spruce Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
4 Amina Mohammed Sir el Hatim Abdalla 2012 Study on the distribution of some physical properties in the stem of pine Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
5 Vesela Ljubomirova Kirilova 2012 Study on climate structure and hardness of poplar wood in the radius of the stem Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
6 Desislava Bozhidarova Borisova 2012 Design of the department for the production of furniture elements from plywood Prof. Veselin Brezin
7 Rossalina Valerieva Gadyuchkova 2012 Designing a department for production of sliced veneer from oak Prof. Veselin Brezin
8 Kristina Borisova Borisova 2012 Production of the coopers' products to wine and wine distillate with a volume 150 ÷ 300 liters Prof. Veselin Brezin
9 Maria Ivanova Georgieva 2012 Harmonization of the national with the European legislation in the field of woodworking and furniture industry Prof. Veselin Brezin
10 Marina Vasileva Dracheva 2012 Study of noise characteristics of universal surface planer Prof. Veselin Brezin
11 Ivailo Danchev Bashev 2012 Sunflower stalks as raw material for face layer of three-layers particleboard Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov
12 Krasimir Mladenov Todorov 2012 Compound wood-base panels of fiberboard and wood shavings from spruce Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov
13 Valya Georgieva Banova 2012 Lightweight boards of poplar veneer and sunflower flakes Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov
14 Theodora Ivailova Bondarova 2012 Opportunities for the production of refined boards of beech veneer and sunflower flakes Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov
15 Silvia Lyubenova Iankova 2012 Opportunities for utilization of technological dust from particleboards produced in "Gabrovnitsa" PLC (Kastamonu Bulgaria) Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov
16 Mehmed Ahmed Sechkin 2012 Production of particleboard from branches and top hamper of green Douglas fir (Pseuolotsuga menziesii) Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov
17 Nikolai Nikolov Veskov 2012 Influence of pressure at hot-pressing on properties of fiberboard Ch. Assist. Viktor Savov
18 Polina Veselinova Lyutskanova 2012 Technological development of the production line for MDF through continuous presses Ch. Assist. Viktor Savov
19 Tsvetan Vasilev Ficherov 2012 Study the effects of density on properties of dry-process fiberboard Ch. Assist. Viktor Savov
20 Ivan Iliev Plamenov 2012 Study of the effect on properties of three-layers particleboard when adding wood fiber in the core layer Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
21 Yana Dimova Kaloyanova 2012 Distribution of the hardness of the wood in the stem of white pine Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
22 Sava Rumenov Carov 2012 Influence of the width of the annual ring on quantitative distribution of vascular and mechanical tissue in larch and Douglas Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
23 Stanislav Boianov Popradanov 2012 Research on quality and dimensional characteristics of the stalks of white pine and some properties at their cut whit band saw with filing carriage Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
24 Tsvetanka Mitkova Laleva 2012 Analysis of the technological process of "Vista 02" PLC, Teteven Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
25 Radoslava Todorova Garkova 2012 Analysis of the technological process of production of pellets in Technowood, Razlog Prof. Veselin Brezin
26 Alexandra Vladimirova Karabov 2012 Calculation of noise characteristics of surface planer machines Prof. Veselin Brezin
27 Ivan Stoynev Bogdanin 2012 Opportunities for utilization of wood shavings from wood of acacia for the production of particleboard Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov
28 Ivailo Ivanov Kairiakov 2012 Influence of hot-pressing regime in the production of MDF Ch. Assist. Viktor Savov
29 Dimitar Georgiev Hristov 2012 Analysis of the production of large-sized solid wood flooring in "Forest Trade Ltd." Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
30 Tatiana Blagoeva Tsonkova 2012 Utilization of sawdust from beech in core layer of three-layer particleboard Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov
31 Gabriela Ivanova Velcheva 2012 Study on physical and mechanical properties of OSB produced with adhesive composition of urea-formaldehyde resin and hydrophobic supplement Assoc. Prof. Liliana Valcheva
32 Konstantin Yordanov Kostov 2013 Distribution of the width of annual rings in oaks and their relationship with some quality characteristics of the wood Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
33 Alexandra Lyubenova Zlateva 2013 Influence of paint to test pieces on acoustic properties Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
34 Donka Hroneva Hroneva 2013 Studies on flaws in the wood of Scots pine, Norway spruce and beech Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
35 Denitsa Ivova Kostova 2013 Study the distribution of the width of the annual ring in Hungarian oak and sessile oak Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
36 Harieta Petrova Ivkova 2013 Density distribution and swelling in the radius of the stem in oak Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
37 Milena Spassova Vasileva 2013 Influence of the width of the annual ring on the density of the wood of Scots pine and Norway spruce Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
38 Teodora Simeonova Barbonelova 2013 Study of the vessels in the wood of certain species of fam. Salicaceae Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
39 Monika Georgieva Topaleva 2013 Study the impact of tree species on the cost of wood materials in technological operations Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
40 Emiliana Dimitrova Gaydarova 2013 A study of the working conditions of a small enterprise Prof. Veselin Brezin
41 Victoria Lyubenova Panajotova 2013 Analysis and risk assessment of the health and safety of employees in "Camberra and Son BG" Ltd. Prof. Veselin Brezin
42 Hristo Nikolaev Georgiev 2013 Development of a enterprise for the production of plywood from poplar and beech with an annual capacity 26 000 m3 Prof. Veselin Brezin
43 Nikoleta Nikolaeva Dinova 2013 Development of a technological process for the production of sliced oak veneer Prof. Veselin Brezin
44 Antonia Nikolaeva Dinova 2013 Development of a technological process for the production of poplar wood packaging - pallets Prof. Veselin Brezin
45 Jordan Marinov Stoyanov 2013 Utilization of technological waste from "Woodworking - VT" PLC for the production of particleboard Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov
46 Lilia Dimitrova Koteva 2013 Production of boards from oak wood shavings Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov
47 Diana Dimova Borislavova 2013 Analysis of the technological process for the production of pallets in the "Sredna Gora" PLC, Stara Zagora Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov
48 Mikhail Ivanov Angelov 2013 Determination of withdraw strength of screws of particleboard Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov
49 Kiril Georgiev Kostadinov 2013 Influence of incremental hardening on properties of fiberboard Ch. Assist. Viktor Savov
50 Alexandra Ljubomirova Bozhkova 2013 Technological development of the production line for floor coverings based on HDF Ch. Assist. Viktor Savov
51 Stanislav Stoyanov Tegov 2013 Influence of thickness in the production of fiberboard from hardwood tree species Ch. Assist. Viktor Savov
52 Ahmed Ahmedov Hadziev 2013 Influence the content and concentration of urea-formaldehyde resin in the production of dry-process fibreboard Ch. Assist. Viktor Savov
53 Petko Georgiev Georgiev 2013 Technological development of the production line for board with oriented fibers Ch. Assist. Viktor Savov
54 Daniela Ventsislavova Gencheva 2013 Study on rays in the wood of poplar, willow and horse chestnut Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
55 Anton Ivanov Stroumin 2013 Analysis of the technological process by the manufacturing part of the company "Stanilov" Ltd. – Sofia Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
56 Slavina Ivanova Hristova 2013 Project of enterprise for the production of barrels Prof. Veselin Brezin
57 Stella Paskova Kapkova 2013 Opportunities for briquetting of oak chips and sawdust from spruce Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov
58 Zornitca Gencheva Zlatinova 2013 Refined compound boards from beech veneer and wood particles of spruce tree Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov
59 Petia Roumenova Ruseva 2013 Kinetics of water absorption and swelling in thicknesses of fiberboard Ch. Assist. Viktor Savov
60 Marin Angelinov Marinov 2013 Study of the distribution of density and swelling radius stems in sessile oak, Hungarian oak and downy oak Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
61 Nikolina Filcheva Primova 2013 Study of the width of the annual rings of oak wood, depending on the species, age and habitat Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
62 Anita Tsvetomirova Tsvetkova 2013 Study of the distribution of hardness in the radius of the stem in Hungarian oak and sessile oak Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
63 Nadka Nikolaeva Tsvyatkova 2013 Anatomical analysis of the wood of mountain ash and high Tree of heaven Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
64 Hristo Hristov Dimitrov 2013 Determination of noise characteristics of universal band saw Prof. Veselin Brezin
65 Tsvetomir Tikhomirov Tsolov 2013 Technological Project of enterprise for the production of pallets Prof. Veselin Brezin
66 Ivanka Ivanova Stoykova 2013 Effect of participation of coniferous filings in the production of compound boards of wood fibers and filings Ch. Assist. Viktor Savov
67 Georgi Nikolaev Donchev 2013 Influence of the duration of the hot-pressing on properties of dry-processed fiberboard Ch. Assist. Viktor Savov
68 Bisserka Momchilova Dospatska 2014 Study of the deformations on spruce wood in a combined load Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
69 Yana Vassileva Nedelcheva 2014 Analysis of the manufacturing part of "Zenith-357" Ltd., Eleshnitsa Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
70 Sonia Vasileva Karashtranova 2014 Technology to optimize cutting of thin round materials Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
71 Kamen Iskrenov Uzunov 2014 Influence of the content of urea-formaldehyde resin and wax on physical and mechanical properties of MDF from beech and oak Assoc. Prof. Liliana Valcheva
72 Anita Tsvetanova Zaytseva 2014 Utilization of leaf of softwood in the production of particleboard Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov
73 Camellia Krasimirova Paunova 2014 Impact of some factors on the properties of compound boards with core layer of fibers and face layer of coniferous filings Ch. Assist. Viktor Savov
74 Yana Ivanova Ivailova 2014 Influence of the content of corn stalks and phenol-formaldehyde resin on properties of very hard fiberboard Ch. Assist. Viktor Savov
75 Lora Ljubomirova Deneva 2014 Influence of composition on properties of the compound boards of wood fibres and coniferous filings Ch. Assist. Viktor Savov
76 Kaloyan Ljubomirov Tsvetanov 2014 Experimental and statistical description of the multicomponent system of wood particles and shavings of beech and spruce Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
77 Ivan Dimitrov Garkov 2014 A study of the properties of three-layer particleboard when adding filings of white pine Assoc. Prof. Liliana Valcheva
78 Stella Traycheva Peneva 2014 Study of the width of the annual ring radius and height of the stem Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
79 Julieta Nedeva Saravska 2014 Study on the annual rings of larch and Douglas Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
80 Turhan Sally Kadir 2014 Utilization of apricot shells for the production of particleboard Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov
81 Ilia Ivanov Stanudin 2014 Study on the defects in the shape of the stem with Scots pine spruce and fir Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
82 Liliana Georgieva Velikova 2014 Variation of some properties in the radius of the stem in spruce wood Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
83 Diana Yurieva Mihneva 2015 The properties of the wood of chestnut and ordinary influence of some defects on them Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
84 Dimitar Boychev Petrovski 2015 Study of anatomical structure of the wood of Scots pine, Norway spruce and Douglas different habitats in Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
85 Gabriela Nikolaeva Sultanova 2015 Analysis of the technological process of "Stoyanov & Co." – Veliko Tarnovo Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
86 Ivaylo Atanasov Klechev 2015 Analysis of productivity of band saw with corf feed in cutting logs from coniferous Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
87 Elena Ivanova Kehayova 2015 Possibility to obtain furniture panels with polymer inserts Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
88 Mitko Marinov Yovevski 2015 Development of technological project of department for the production of plywood with an annual capacity 25 000 m3 Prof. Veselin Brezin
89 Viktor Emilov Karatotev 2015 Study on the possibility of utilization of technical (hydrolysis) lignin in the composition of fiberboard Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
90 Dimitar Zhelev Kaloianov 2015 Study the possibility for utilization of from vines twigs in core layer of three-layer particleboard Assoc. Prof. Liliana Valcheva
91 Bozhidar Georgiev Hadziev 2015 Studies on utilization of particles from cornstalks added to core layer of three-layer particle board Assoc. Prof. Liliana Valcheva
92 Lilia Markova Simeonova 2015 Determination of the water content at the saturation limit of the cell walls in some species of the genus oak Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
93 Yosif Mitkov Mollov 2015 Influence of the content of the bark of walnut in the core layer of three-layer particleboard Assoc. Prof. Liliana Valcheva
94 Krasimir Antonov Arnaoudov 2015 Technological Project of enterprise for the production of pellets from agricultural wastes Prof. Veselin Brezin
95 Neven Tsetsov Ivanov 2016 Study on the influence of the participation of lignosulfonate in the composition of MDF Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
96 Plamena Stamenova Angelova 2016 Study of the annual ring in the wood of Hungarian oak and sessile oak Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
97 Stilyana Ivanova Simeonova 2016 Study of trachea as a diagnostic sign Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
98 Tsvetelina Krasimirova Popovska 2016 Study on structure and properties of the wood of paulownia (Paulownia sp. Siebold & Zucc) Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
99 Dilyana Alexandrova Gyurova 2016 Study the influence of some factors on the properties of very hard fibreboard Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
100 Evgeni Ljubomirov Molev 2016 Influence of the content of the mass of vine twigs on the properties of fibreboard Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
101 Божидар Младенов Маджаров 2016 Effects of hot-pressing temperature on properties of dry-processed fibreboard with the participation of lignosulfonate Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
102 Stoyan Atanasov Atanasov 2016 Receive one-layer particleboard of Paulownia, glued with urea-formaldehyde and phenol-formaldehyde resin Assoc. Prof. Liliana Valcheva
103 Christian Ivaylov Tsvetanov 2016 Effect of the content and the concentration of urea-formaldehyde resin on the properties of MDF Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
104 Dimitar Petev Dimitrov 2017 Calculation of processing line for coniferous logs with annual capacity of 12 000 m3 Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
105 Rumen Ivanov Tashkov 2017 Historical information about the development of the production of solid wood materials in the Western Rhodopes from the occurrence to the beginning of the XX century Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
106 Stilyana Mitkova Neeva 2017 Study on the possibility for utilization of maize stalks in production of Medium Density Fibreboards Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
107 Borislav Chavdarov Tenev 2017 Influence of the participation of a mass from hemp stems on the properties of Medium Density Fibreboards Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
108 Dimitar Iliev Sheytanov 2017 Study on the possibility for production of Medium Density Fibreboards with participation of pulp from bamboo stems Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
109 Georgi Emilov Petrov 2017 The influence of hot-pressing in the production of hard boards, wet-processed fibreboards, from mixed wood raw material Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
110 Radostina Radostinova Angelova 2018 Investigation of the anatomical structure of some shrub species included in the Red Book Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
111 Tsvetelin Radostinov Ranov 2018 Study of some exploitation properties in processing the Douglas fir for the production of solid wood materials Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
112 Joseph Ivanov Zarkin 2018 Improvement of the technology for production of details from beech wood in Vista 02 Ltd. Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
113 Gabriela Yurieva Bacheva 2018 Combined wood-based panels from wood fiber with grapevine particles in the core layer Ch. Assist. Rosen Grigorov
114 Jordan Todorov Simeonov 2018 Influence of some factors on the production of Medium Density Fibreboards with lignosulfonate adhesive Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
115 Elena Lyudmilova Nikolova 2018 Production of insulation panels with the participation of recycled lignocellulosics fibers Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
116 Miroslav Nikodimov Kulev 2018 Influence of the content of pulp from sunflower stems and lignosulfonate on the properties of Medium Density Fibreboards Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
117 Rosen Nikolov Kolev 2018 Production of Medium Density Fibreboards with reduced content of phenol formaldehyde resin by adding lignosulfonate Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
118 Alexander Vladev Doychinov 2019 Research on some methods for artificial aging of wood Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
119 Michaela Venkova Marinova 2019 Influence of wood defects on the decorative effect of the products Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
120 Maria Stoyanova Dimitrov 2019 Development of technological process for the production of pallets from poplar Prof. Veselin Brezin
121 Marius Ivanov Georgiev 2019 Properties of combined panels from wood particles and with participation of vine particles in the core layer Ch. Assist. Rosen Grigorov
122 Zoya Alexandrov Merdzhanov 2019 Properties of combined thin panels from wood and sunflower particles Ch. Assist. Rosen Grigorov
123 Christian Stefanov Sabev 2019 Influence of press factor and additional thermal treatment on the properties of Medium Density Fibreboards with lignosulfonate adhesive Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
124 Zhivko Stefanov Zhelyazkov 2019 Exploitation properties of wood-based panels from waste fibers and surface layers of beech veneer produced with lignosulfonate adhesive Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
125 Tencho Yordanov Tenev 2021 Study of the bonding strength of larch wood under different production conditions Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
126 Aysun Sevchin Musa 2022 Reduction of free formaldehyde content in particleboard panels by using formaldehyde scavengers Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
127 Zlatomir Svetoslavov Popski 2022 Effect of the adhesive system on properties of fiberboard panels bonded with hydrolysis lignin and phenol-formaldehyde resin Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
128 Mehmed Gulhan Myumyun 2022 Effect of some factors on formaldehyde emissions from particleboard panels Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
129 Georgi Ivanov Ivanov 2022 Effect of the adhesive system and hot-pressing temperature on properties of fiberboard panels fabricated with the participation of hydrolysis lignin Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
130 Kaloyan Boykov Kotev 2022 Effect of the adhesive system on the properties of fiberboard panels bonded with urea-formaldehyde and melamine-formaldehyde resins Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
131 Iliyan Nikolaev Botev 2022 A study of the correlation between the stresses at growth and drying of wood Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
132 Kalin Tonev Nikolov 2022 Study of drying and swelling processes after repeated wetting and drying of wood Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
133 Nikolay Dimitrov Todorov 2023 Effect of the content of urea-formaldehyde resins, with different molar ratios, on properties of fiberboard panels Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
134 Tihomir Todorov Angelov 2023 Properties of three-layered particleboards with an increased participation of hardwood particles in the face layer, coniferous and sunflower particles in the core layer Ch. Assist. Rosen Grigorov
135 Zornitsa Yordanova Rancheva 2023 Analysis and assessment of occupational injuries in the enterprises of the woodworking and furniture industry Prof. Petar Antov
136 Jansu Halibryam Yousein 2023 Fabrication and properties of biocomposite materials from wood fibers, coffee residues and lignosulfonate Assoc. Prof. Viktor Savov
137 Emilia Iliyanova Sirakova 2023 Study on swelling and drying processes at decreasing cross-section Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
138 Mario Plamenov Marchev 2023 Effect of compression wood on bending and compressive strength of Douglas fir Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
139 Zhivko Zhivkov Zhekov 2023 Hardness and screw withdrawal resistance of Douglas fir wood Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
140 Preslav Nikolaev Yovkov 2023 A study on stem shape defects of beech from "Pirdop" forestry Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov

Thesis in the Department “Mechanical Wood Technology”,
2012 ÷ 2023, Degree Master

Student Year Graduation Thesis Supervisor
1 Ivailo Todorov Todorov 2013 Development of a technological process for the production of "Euro pallets" Prof. Veselin Brezin
2 Nikola Nikolov Yordanov 2013 Technological production project for Medium Density Fiberboard Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov
3 Jordan Stamenov Borshukov 2013 Impact of some technological factors in the MDF manufacture from hard hardwood tree species and UFR Assoc. Prof. Julia Mihajlova
4 Emil Radenov Krasenov 2013 Analysis of the technological process of "Dospatles" PLC – Dospat Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
5 Dobromir Dobrev Kojuharova 2013

Experimental studies on the strength of adhesion and shear strength of glued timber from wood species widespread in Bulgaria

Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
6 Mihail Stoianov Zahariev 2013 Improving quality in “VALIYAN” Ltd. by applying FMEA method Assoc. Prof. Julia Mihajlova
7 Desislava Stoyanova Bozhidarova 2014 Conceptual design of technology for the production of engineering wood (panels and beams) of solid wood Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
8 Sylvia Koleva Ivanova 2014 Study on relationships between compressive strength longitudinal and transverse fibers in the wood of fir and pine Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
9 Pavlina Todorova Simeonova 2015 Evaluation of quality level of three layer PBs with a different level of lignocelluloses agricultural residues in the middle layer Assoc. Prof. Julia Mihajlova
10 Ivelin Valentinov Kovachev 2015 Evaluation of quality level of plywood produced in “WELDE – Bulgaria” PLC according to Differential method Assoc. Prof. Julia Mihajlova
11 Vesselina Stefanova Kavardjikova 2015 Study on relationships between compressive strength longitudinal and transverse fibers in the wood of fir and pine Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
12 Sonia Veselinova Kuncheva 2016 Study on some physical and mechanical properties of engineering wood produced from poplar and traditional wood species Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
13 Elena Ivanova Kehayova 2017 Experimentaly-statistical study on the optimal composition of a multicomponent system from wood particles of different origin Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
14 Stiliyan Mitkova Neeva 2019 Experimental study on some statistical indicators for one and two excerpts in the research of timber and solid wood materials Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov
15 Stiliana Ivanova Simeonova 2019 Investigation into the micro hardness of wood as a non-destructive method Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
16 Maria Tsvetkova Naydenova 2019 Study on the acoustic emissions of bending wood Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
17 Zornitsa Plamenova Petrova 2019 Investigation on the destruction of wood in bending Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
18 Christian Stefanov Sabev 2022 Effect of different formaldehyde scavengers on physical and mechanical properties of fiberboard panels Assoc. Prof. Julia Mihajlova
19 Boris Hristov Yalamov 2023 Research on the effect of wood species in the production of wooden boxes Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov
20 Hristo Dimitrov Janushev 2023 Possibilities for implementing technology for the production of wooden boxes and wine crates Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Bardarov

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