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Faculty of Forest Industry


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Tel.: (+359 2) 91 907/290
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Miscellaneous Information:

Georgi Konstantinov Kovatchev – Chief Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Еng.
Georgi Kovatchev graduated the University of Forestry, majoring "Furniture Production" in 2009. He started to work in University of Forestry as Assistant Professor in 2016. In 2014 Assistant Kovatchev defended a PhD thesis "Dynamics of the cutting mechanism of the milling machine with bottom of the spindle".

Leads seminars on the following courses:

  • Machine Elements;
  • Machine Science;
  • Machines for Furniture Manufacture;
  • Machinery and Tools for Woodworking.

Major fields of scientific interests:

  • Machine Elements;
  • Machine Science;
  • Mechanical Gears;
  • Woodworking Machines.

Detailed CV and List of selected publications

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