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Faculty of Forestry

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Miscellaneous Information:

Nickolay Angelov Tsvetanov, PhD

M.Sc. Forestry, 2013, University of Forestry, Sofia.
Ph.D. Forestry, 2017, University of Forestry, Sofia.

Research interests:
• Natural disturbances and natural dynamics of mountain forests;
• Dendrochronology
• Tree anatomy
• Xylogenesis
• Dendrology

Representative publications:
- Tsvetanov, N., Nikolova, N. and Panayotov, M., 2011. Tree ring reactions after windthrow in the pristine Picea abies forest Parangalitsa. In: Maaten-Theunissen M, Spiecker H, Gärtner H, Helle G, Heinrich I (Eds.) (2011): TRACE - Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology, Vol. 9. GFZ Potsdam, Scientific Technical Report STR 11/07, Potsdam, p. 89 - 96. ISSN: 1610-0956
- Tsvetanov, N., Panayotov, M., 2013. Age structure and historical development of forests in “Bistrishko branishte” Biosphere reserve in Vitosha mountain (Bulgaria). Ecologia Balkanica, 5 (1): 129-136.
- Dountchev, A., Tsvetanov, N., Zhelev, P., Panayotov, M., 2014. Challenges for the Conservation of the Norway spruce forests in Vitosha Nature Park after large-scale natural disturbances. Ecologia Balkanica, 5: 61-69.
- Tsvetanov, N., Panayotov, M., Yurukov, S., 2015. Age estimation of Norway spruce saplings: analysis of the cambial age at various heights. In: Hevia, A., Sánchez-Salguero, R., Linares, J. C., Olano, J. M., Camarero, J. J., Gutiérrez, E., Helle, G., Gärtner, H. (2016), TRACE - Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology, Volume 14 (pp.128-133). Scientific Technical Report 16/04, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences.
- Panayotov, M., Bebi, P., Tsvetanov, N., Alexandrov, N., Laranjieiro, L., Kulakowski, D., 2015. The disturbance regime of Norway spruce forests in Bulgaria. Canadian Journal of Forests Research, 45(9): 1143-1153, DOI:
- Panayotov, M., Kulakowski, D., Tsvetanov, N., Krumm, F., Barbeito, I., Bebi, P., 2016. Climate extremes during high competition contribute to mortality in unmanaged self-thinning Norway spruce stands in Bulgaria. Forest Ecology and Management, 369: 74-88, DOI:
- Dountchev, A., Panayotov, M., Tsvetanov, N., Zhelev, P., Yurukov, S., 2016. Consequences of Non-intervention Management for the Development of Subalpine spruce forests in Bulgaria. In: B. Koulov and G. Zhelezov (Eds.) Sustainable Mountain Regions: Challenges and perspectives in Southeastern Europe, pp. 67-76. ISBN: 978-3-319-27905-3
- Panayotov, M., Gogushev, G., Tsavkov, E., Vasileva, P., Tsvetanov, N., Kulakowski, D., Bebi, P., 2017. Abiotic disturbances in Bulgarian mountain coniferous forests – An overview. Forest Ecology and Management, 388: 13-28. DOI:
- Tsvetanov, N., Dountchev, A., Panayotov, M., Zhelev, P., Bebi, P., Yurukov, S., 2018. Short- and long-term natural regeneration after windthrow disturbances in Norway spruce forests in Bulgaria. IForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry, 11 (5): 675-684, DOI:
- Panayotov, M., Tsvetanov, N., Tsavkov, E., Gogushev, G., Bebi, P., Zhelev, P., Yurukov, S., 2019. Effect of Climate Change on the High-Mountain Tree Species and Their Genetic Resources in Bulgaria. In: Šijačić-Nikolić M., Milovanović J., Nonić M. (eds) Forests of Southeast Europe Under a Changing Climate. Advances in Global Change Research, vol 65. Springer, Cham, pp. 429-447. DOI: ISBN: 978-3-319-95267-3
- Tsvetanov, N., Dolgova, E., Panayotov, M., 2020. First measurements of Blue intensity from Pinus peuce and Pinus heldreichii tree rings and potential for climate reconstructions. Dendrochronologia 60: 125681. DOI:
- Zafirov, N., Panayotov, M., Tsvetanov, N., Nikolchova, I., Trouet, V., 2020. Dendroclimatic analysis of Pinus peuce Griseb. at subalpine and treeline locations in Pirin Mountains, Bulgaria. Dendrochronologia, 61: 125703. Doi:
- Zhelev, P., Tsvetanov, N., Aneva, N., Ivanov, D., 2020. Diversity, genetic resources and conservation of Tilia species in Bulgaria. Forestry Ideas, 26 (2): 503-513.
- Garbov, Dr., Georgieva, Zdr., Levanič, T., Mcilfatrick, Orl., Panayotov, M., Tsavkov, E., Tsvetanov, N., Velkovsky, K., 2021. Unravelling the Saint Nicholas Bay Shipwreck: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Archaeologia Bulgarica, XXV, 2: 81-104. SJR = 0.121, CiteScore 0.3
- Kostić, S., Wagner, W., Orlović, S., Levanič, T., Zlatanov, Tz., Goršić, E., Kesić, L., Matović, Br., Tsvetanov, N., Stojanović, D., 2021. Different tree-ring width sensitivity to satellite-based soil moisture from dryer, moderate and wetter pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) stands, across southeastern distribution margin. Science of the Total Environment, 800, 149536. DOI:
- Panayotov, M., Tsvetanov, N., Gogushev, G., Tsavkov, E., Zlatanov, T., Anev, S., Ivanova, A., Nedelin, T., Zafirov, N., Aleksandrov, N., Dountchev, A., Vasileva, P., Shishkova, V., Stoyanov, B., Sotirova, N., Vatov, V., Bebi, P., Yurukov, S., 2016. Mountain coniferous forests in Bulgaria – structure and natural dynamics. University of Forestry, 332 p., ISBN: 978-954-332-146-9

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