Assoc. Prof. PhD Daniela Petrova Georgieva
Address: | 10 Kliment Okhridsky Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Building А, office 427 |
Tel.: | (+359 2) 91 907/275 |
Fax: | +359 2 868 08 04 |
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PhD in Economy and Management (Economy of Forestry)
Research profile:
Forest valuation; Economy and management of forestry; Timber trade forestry; Economic analysis – analysis of the resources in the taking of management decisions; Mathematical methods and models.Title of the thesis:
“Economic valuation of selection forests with timber production purpose (abstract)Object of research are the selection forests. They were chosen because of the importance of natural methods of the managing, based on the conceptions of multi-aimed use and a sustainability. The object of research were plantations of different ages, situated on the territory of state forest districts "Borovets", "Pamporovo" and "Dospat". A subject of scientific research is the economic valuation of selection forests and the choice of an optimum diameter. The general aim of the research is to establish an approach to economic valuation of selection forests based on the net present value criterion and to determinate a optimum diameter of plantation based on optimization of the forest’s value. The research aims :
1. To investigate the specific selection forests’ economy as an object for economic valuation
2. To present and analyse a theoretico-methodologically bases in selection forests in a structural balance.
3. To establish methods of economic valuation of selection forests with different production aims.
4. To develop method to compose the monetary valuation tables for selection forests.
5. To propose an approach to optimum diameter of selection forests in the conditions of ambiguity.
Following results were achieved:
1. A new approach to optimum diameter of a selection forests is proposed based on the clasical criterions for taking decision in conditions of ambiguity and risk, of the mini-maximum criterion, the Bajes-Laplas criterion and the Saidg criterion, which were adapted to the object of research.
2. A method of creating of monetary valuation tables for a selection forests is proposed based on local volumetric and monetary tables for the pine, spruce and mixed (pine 6, spruse4) and three variants of wood price. It was experimentally proved that the established monetary valuation tables are suitable as start price for stumpage {standing timber) sales.
3. A method to determinate the optimum diameter for a selection forests is proposed based on monetary valuation tables and the method of marginal analysis.
4. A index to determinate the internal rate of return for different production alternatives is proposed.Scientific conference presentations
Chakurov K., D. Georgieva. Analyzis of the market of forest land and agricultural land for the region Zavet. X National scientific conference “Management and quality” for yong researcher", Yndola, 2008, 6-16.
Chakurov K., D. Georgieva. Value evaluation of state forest service “Isperish”. National student scientific conference "Management and sustainable use of biological resources”, S., 2008, p.5-13.
Domuschiev N., D. Georgieva. Bulgaria and Germany.- comparison of private forests. XVIII International scientific conference "Yong researcher", S., 2009, 276-286.
Elev A., D. Georgieva. Value evaluation of forest compartment “Elhovez” for basic price. XVIII International scientific conference "Yong researcher", S., 2009, 311-323.
Georgieva D. Market prices of forests and appraisal regulations in Bulgaria. Management and Sustainable Development. 1-2, S., 2008, 78-83.
Georgieva D., T. Tsenov. Аnalyzis of the market of forest land. Management and Sustainable Development. 1, S., 2007, 143-148.
Georgieva D., V. Radkov. The determination of the critical volume felled timber – indicator for sustainable development of the state forestry enterprieses’ economic activity. Management and Sustainable Development. 3-4, S., 2009, 399-404.
Georgieva Z., D. Georgieva. European prices of Bulgarian container trees and shrubs. XVIII International scientific conference "Yong researcher", S., 2009, 265-276.
Markoff I., D. Georgieva, S. Gluschkov. New points in the costs of logging in Bulgaria. Management and Sustainable Development. 1-2, S., 2008, 83-91.
Rajcheliev S., D. Georgieva. Replacement of forest properties – reality and price-formation. X National scientific conference “Management and quality” for yong researcher", Yndola, 2008, 173-178.
Rajcheliev S., D. Georgieva. Value evaluation of the forest cooperation “Borika”. National student scientific conference "Management and sustainable use of biological resources”, S., 2008, p.21-28.
Tassev G., D. Georgieva. Stages of the dissertation study. X National scientific conference “Management and quality” for yong researcher", Yndola, 2008, 194-208.
Tassev G., D. Georgieva. The scientific ethics of the researcher. XVIII International scientific conference "Yong researcher", S., 2009, 34-45.
Vangelova R, D. Georgieva. Approach for forest appraisal of state forest service “Svilengrad”. National student scientific conference "Management and sustainable use of biological resources”, S., 2008, p.14-20.Reviews of manuals
Tassev, G., V. Brezin, D. Ivanova. Writing a graduation paper. Sofia, 2009, pp.204.
Tassev, G., “Writing a Ph.D. dissertation”, Sofia, 2009.Popular papers
Georgieva, D. The critical volume of harvested timber – an indispensable criterion in the management of state forest districts. S., 2009, Gora (Forest), 3, p.9-10.
Georgieva, D. Is the market price valuation of forest estates really a market price valuation? S., 2008, Gora (Forest), 7, p. 6-9.Additional information:
Member of the “Prosilva Bulgarie”. Member of the Union of the quality specialists; Member of the Club “Management and Sustainable Development- Yndola 99”.