Year |
Graduate (name, family name) |
Specialty | Degree | Theme | Supervisor |
2021 | Blagovest Blazhev | Forestry - Forest management | MSc | Research through computer analysis of natural disturbances in forests in the area of SFE "Elena | Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova |
2020 | Victor Yordanov | Forestry - Forest management | MSc | GIS-based approach for research of forest areas affected by diseases, pests and other damages, within the boundaries of SFE "Chirpan" | Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova |
2019 | Tsanimir Hristov | Forestry - Forest management | MSc | Determining the accuracy of the forestry maps of SFE "Gabrovo" through software for agriculture and cadastre | Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova |
2019. | Stilyan Angelov | Forestry - Forest management | MSc | Mapping of bark beetle-affected coniferous forests using Copernicus technology. | Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova |
2019 | Toshko Petkov | Forestry - Forest management | MSc | Mapping and analysis of the condition of the protective forest belts on the territory of SFE "Dobrich" through GIS. | Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova |
2019 | Stiljan Angelov | Forestry | BSc | Mapping of bark beetle-affected coniferous forests using Copernicus Program technology | Assoc.Prof. PhD Radka Koleva |
2019 | Petar Atanasov | Forestry | BSc | Diameter structure an height growth of coppice Hungarian oak stands in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Karnobat” | Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev |
2019 | Ivan Iliev | Forestry - Forest management | MSc | Forest management activities and silvicultural systems in coppice Turkey oak stands in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Elin Pelin” | Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev |
2018 | Joanna Lyubomirova | Forestry - Forest management | MSc | Mapping of old-age forests in the Steneto and Parangalitsa reserves by photogrammetric and remote sensing methods in the GIS environment | Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova |
2018 | Ivan Gagov | Forestry - Forest management | MSc | Creation of a specialized GIS database for protection of forest areas from fires in the area of SFE "Stara Zagora". | Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova |
2018 | Iskren Savchev | Forestry - Forest management | MSc | Spatial analysis of the existing digital models of agricultural and forest territories in the municipality of Lovech. | Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova |
2017 | Petya Kanakova | Forestry - Forest management | MSc | Assessment of the phytosanitary condition of the forests in the area of SFE "Plachkovtsi" through the means of GIS based on data from aerial photographs and freely available digital images | Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova |
2017 | Georgi Donchev | Forestry - Forest management | MSc | Technological approach for control of the implementation of the forestry activities on the territory of -Sliven with the means of mobile GIS applications | Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova |
2017 | Kiril Ivanov | Forestry - Forest management | MSc | Height growth and structure peculiarities of autochthonous stands of sessile oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.) in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Nevestino” | Assoc. Prof. PhD Yavor Poryazov |
2017 | Hristo Hristov | Forestry | BSc | Height growth and diameter structure peculiarities of coppice Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) stands in the territory of State Hunting Enterprise “Voden-Iri Hisar” | Assoc. Prof. PhD Yavor Poryazov |
2017 | Pavel Nichev | Forestry | BSc | Height growth and diameter structure peculiarities of coppice sessile oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.) stands in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Belogradchik” | Assoc. Prof. PhD Yavor Poryazov |
2016 | Mihail Chervenkov | Forestry | BSc | Study on diameter structure and height growth of coppice silver linden stands (Tilia argentea Desf.) in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Svishtov” | Assoc. Prof. PhD Yavor Poryazov |
Assoc. Prof. Maria Asenova, PhD
Scientific advisor of 13 graduate and consultant of 6 graduates successfully defended their theses in “Bachelor” and “Master” degrees.
Assoc. Prof. Ilko Dobrichov, PhD
Scientific advisor of over 5 graduate successfully defended his thesis in “Master” degrees.
Assoc. Prof. Radka Koleva, PhD
Scientific advisor of 1 graduate successfully defended his theses in “Bachelor” degrees.
Assist. Prof. Toma Ivanov Tonchev, PhD
Scientific advisor of 4 graduates successfully defended their theses in “Bachelor” and “Master” degrees.