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Faculty of Forestry

gorsko stopanstvo



(name, family name)

Specialty Degree Theme Supervisor
2021 Blagovest Blazhev Forestry - Forest management MSc Research through computer analysis of natural disturbances in forests in the area of SFE "Elena Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2020 Victor Yordanov Forestry - Forest management MSc GIS-based approach for research of forest areas affected by diseases, pests and other damages, within the boundaries of SFE "Chirpan" Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2019 Tsanimir Hristov Forestry - Forest management MSc Determining the accuracy of the forestry maps of SFE "Gabrovo" through software for agriculture and cadastre Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2019. Stilyan Angelov Forestry - Forest management MSc Mapping of bark beetle-affected coniferous forests using Copernicus technology. Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2019 Toshko Petkov Forestry - Forest management MSc Mapping and analysis of the condition of the protective forest belts on the territory of SFE "Dobrich" through GIS. Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2019 Stiljan Angelov Forestry BSc Mapping of bark beetle-affected coniferous forests using Copernicus Program technology Assoc.Prof. PhD Radka Koleva
2019 Petar Atanasov Forestry BSc Diameter structure an height growth of coppice Hungarian oak stands in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Karnobat” Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev
2019 Ivan Iliev Forestry - Forest management MSc Forest management activities and silvicultural systems in coppice Turkey oak stands in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Elin Pelin” Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev
2018 Joanna Lyubomirova Forestry - Forest management MSc Mapping of old-age forests in the Steneto and Parangalitsa reserves by photogrammetric and remote sensing methods in the GIS environment Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2018 Ivan Gagov Forestry - Forest management MSc Creation of a specialized GIS database for protection of forest areas from fires in the area of SFE "Stara Zagora". Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2018 Iskren Savchev Forestry - Forest management MSc Spatial analysis of the existing digital models of agricultural and forest territories in the municipality of Lovech. Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2017 Petya Kanakova Forestry - Forest management MSc Assessment of the phytosanitary condition of the forests in the area of SFE "Plachkovtsi" through the means of GIS based on data from aerial photographs and freely available digital images Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2017 Georgi Donchev Forestry - Forest management MSc Technological approach for control of the implementation of the forestry activities on the territory of -Sliven with the means of mobile GIS applications Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2017 Kiril Ivanov Forestry - Forest management MSc Height growth and structure peculiarities of autochthonous stands of sessile oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.) in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Nevestino” Assoc. Prof. PhD Yavor Poryazov
2017 Hristo Hristov Forestry BSc Height growth and diameter structure peculiarities of coppice Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) stands in the territory of State Hunting Enterprise “Voden-Iri Hisar” Assoc. Prof. PhD Yavor Poryazov
2017 Pavel Nichev Forestry BSc Height growth and diameter structure peculiarities of coppice sessile oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.) stands in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Belogradchik” Assoc. Prof. PhD Yavor Poryazov
2016 Mihail Chervenkov Forestry BSc Study on diameter structure and height growth of coppice silver linden stands (Tilia argentea Desf.) in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Svishtov” Assoc. Prof. PhD Yavor Poryazov

Assoc. Prof. Maria Asenova, PhD
Scientific advisor of 13 graduate and consultant of 6 graduates successfully defended their theses in “Bachelor” and “Master” degrees.

Assoc. Prof. Ilko Dobrichov, PhD
Scientific advisor of over 5 graduate successfully defended his thesis in “Master” degrees.

Assoc. Prof. Radka Koleva, PhD
Scientific advisor of 1 graduate successfully defended his theses in “Bachelor” degrees.

Assist. Prof. Toma Ivanov Tonchev, PhD
Scientific advisor of 4 graduates successfully defended their theses in “Bachelor” and “Master” degrees.


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