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Faculty of Forestry

gorsko stopanstvo


Project topic Participants in the project from dep. Forest management


Financing organization

Period of execution
Copernicus Local Land monitoring services: Supporting activities of the National Reference Centres for Land Cover for the period 2017-2021

Prof. PhD Youlin Tepeliev

Assoc. Prof. PhD Radka Koleva

BAS - SRTI 2017-2021
Second specific contract № 3436 / R0-COPERNICUS / EEA. 57680, in implementation of the Framework Agreement EEA / IDM / R0 / 16/009 / Bulgaria - services for providing expert assistance for implementation of activity VI Assoc.Prof. PhD Radka Koleva BAS - SRTI 2019
№ 4000134001/21/NL/CBi EDUSAR Revealing the power of SAR data in different application areas – educating the new generation of professionals Assoc.Prof. PhD Radka Koleva European Space Agency (ESA) 2021-2022
BNSF UF КП-06-Н56/7 Study of interrelations in the system "soil - soil microorganisms - wood composition" in forest plantations on the territory of Vitosha Nature Park

Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova

Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Yordan Ivanov

Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF) 2021-2024
Specific measures to reduce the effect of thermal islands in the urban environment through landscaping - a proposal for vegetation and development of applied models for landscaping in the green infrastructure of Sofia Municipality   " Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova Project funded by the Scientific and Research sector of the University of Forestry 2021
The current state of the Green System of Sofia - quantitative and qualitative indicators" Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova Project funded by the Scientific and Research sector of the University of Forestry 2020
NIS-B-1006/2019 Measuring the stand parameters of old -growth Beech and fir-spruce-beech forests using orthoimages, satellite data and terrain data analysis. Scientific supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Maria Asenova Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova Project funded by the Scientific and Research sector of the University of Forestry 2019 - 2020
NIS-B-1005/2019 Building a sustainable information infrastructure for the implementation of GIS technologies in the professional fields of LTU Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova Project funded by the Scientific and Research sector of the University of Forestry 2019 - 2020
NIS-1007/2019 Investigation of the technical and operational performance of nearby transport with assortment tractors Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova Project funded by the Scientific and Research sector of the University of Forestry 2019
BG05M2OP001-2.009-0034:Operational program: Science and Education for Smart Growth (UMIS Number BG05M2OP001-2.009-0034-C01: Support for the development of the scientific capacity in the University of Forestry Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova Beneficiary 000670634 University of Forestry 2017 - 2019
B24/2018 Research on the technical, operational and environmental performance of nearby cableway transport Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova University of Forestry 2018
Subalpine forest development in Bulgarian Mountain Forests under climate change Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev Ministry of education and Science; Swiss Research foundation 2013-2016
Influence of atmospheric depositions on the bioproductivity of Norway spruce stands Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev University of Forestry 2014-2016
Providing data to report critical loads for sulfur, nitrogen, acidity, and heavy metals for major types of terrestrial ecosystems in Bulgaria Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev Ministry of environment and water 2016-2018
Rationale and implementation of regional silvicultural systems for the management of coppice oak forests in the territory of Southwestern State Enterprise - Blagoevgrad Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev Southwestern State Enterprise - Blagoevgrad 2017-2018
Concept and implementation of regional silvicultural systems for the management of coppice oak forests in the territory of Northwestern State Enterprise - Vratza Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev Northwestern State Enterprise - Vratza 2017-2018
Concept and implementation of regional silvicultural systems for the management of coppice oak forests in the territory of Southeastern State Enterprise - Sliven Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev Southeastern State Enterprise - Sliven 2017-2018
Concept for differentiated management of Scots pine plantations in Southwestern State Enterprise - Blagoevgrad Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev Southwestern State Enterprise - Blagoevgrad 2019-2021
Experimentation of regional silvicultural systems for management of coppice Turkey oak forests in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Seslav” – Kubrat Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev State Forestry Enterprise “Seslav” – Kubrat 2019-2021
Rationale of differentiated silvicultural systems for coppice Turkey oak stands in the territory of Northeastern State Enterprise – Shumen Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev Northeastern State Enterprise – Shumen 2019-2020
Adaptive changes in beech forests (Fagus sylvatica L.) after felling or natural disturbance Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev University of Forestry 2020-2021
Upgrade of a distributed research infrastructure “Bulgarian network for long term Ecosystem Research” (LTER-BG) Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev National road map for research infrastructure, Ministry of Education and Science 2020-2027
Soil research in the Lower and Middle mountain vegetation belt from the northern slope of the Western Balkan mountains. Project number № B-1072 / 16.03.2020. Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Yordan Ivanov Scientific research sectorUniversity of Forestry 2020-2021

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