Project topic | Participants in the project from dep. Forest management |
Assignor/ Financing organization |
Period of execution |
Copernicus Local Land monitoring services: Supporting activities of the National Reference Centres for Land Cover for the period 2017-2021 |
Prof. PhD Youlin Tepeliev Assoc. Prof. PhD Radka Koleva |
BAS - SRTI | 2017-2021 |
Second specific contract № 3436 / R0-COPERNICUS / EEA. 57680, in implementation of the Framework Agreement EEA / IDM / R0 / 16/009 / Bulgaria - services for providing expert assistance for implementation of activity VI | Assoc.Prof. PhD Radka Koleva | BAS - SRTI | 2019 |
№ 4000134001/21/NL/CBi EDUSAR Revealing the power of SAR data in different application areas – educating the new generation of professionals | Assoc.Prof. PhD Radka Koleva | European Space Agency (ESA) | 2021-2022 |
BNSF UF КП-06-Н56/7 Study of interrelations in the system "soil - soil microorganisms - wood composition" in forest plantations on the territory of Vitosha Nature Park |
Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Yordan Ivanov |
Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF) | 2021-2024 |
Specific measures to reduce the effect of thermal islands in the urban environment through landscaping - a proposal for vegetation and development of applied models for landscaping in the green infrastructure of Sofia Municipality " | Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova | Project funded by the Scientific and Research sector of the University of Forestry | 2021 |
The current state of the Green System of Sofia - quantitative and qualitative indicators" | Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova | Project funded by the Scientific and Research sector of the University of Forestry | 2020 |
NIS-B-1006/2019 Measuring the stand parameters of old -growth Beech and fir-spruce-beech forests using orthoimages, satellite data and terrain data analysis. Scientific supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Maria Asenova | Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova | Project funded by the Scientific and Research sector of the University of Forestry | 2019 - 2020 |
NIS-B-1005/2019 Building a sustainable information infrastructure for the implementation of GIS technologies in the professional fields of LTU | Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova | Project funded by the Scientific and Research sector of the University of Forestry | 2019 - 2020 |
NIS-1007/2019 Investigation of the technical and operational performance of nearby transport with assortment tractors | Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova | Project funded by the Scientific and Research sector of the University of Forestry | 2019 |
BG05M2OP001-2.009-0034:Operational program: Science and Education for Smart Growth (UMIS Number BG05M2OP001-2.009-0034-C01: Support for the development of the scientific capacity in the University of Forestry | Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova | Beneficiary 000670634 University of Forestry | 2017 - 2019 |
B24/2018 Research on the technical, operational and environmental performance of nearby cableway transport | Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova | University of Forestry | 2018 |
Subalpine forest development in Bulgarian Mountain Forests under climate change | Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev | Ministry of education and Science; Swiss Research foundation | 2013-2016 |
Influence of atmospheric depositions on the bioproductivity of Norway spruce stands | Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev | University of Forestry | 2014-2016 |
Providing data to report critical loads for sulfur, nitrogen, acidity, and heavy metals for major types of terrestrial ecosystems in Bulgaria | Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev | Ministry of environment and water | 2016-2018 |
Rationale and implementation of regional silvicultural systems for the management of coppice oak forests in the territory of Southwestern State Enterprise - Blagoevgrad | Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev | Southwestern State Enterprise - Blagoevgrad | 2017-2018 |
Concept and implementation of regional silvicultural systems for the management of coppice oak forests in the territory of Northwestern State Enterprise - Vratza | Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev | Northwestern State Enterprise - Vratza | 2017-2018 |
Concept and implementation of regional silvicultural systems for the management of coppice oak forests in the territory of Southeastern State Enterprise - Sliven | Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev | Southeastern State Enterprise - Sliven | 2017-2018 |
Concept for differentiated management of Scots pine plantations in Southwestern State Enterprise - Blagoevgrad | Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev | Southwestern State Enterprise - Blagoevgrad | 2019-2021 |
Experimentation of regional silvicultural systems for management of coppice Turkey oak forests in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Seslav” – Kubrat | Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev | State Forestry Enterprise “Seslav” – Kubrat | 2019-2021 |
Rationale of differentiated silvicultural systems for coppice Turkey oak stands in the territory of Northeastern State Enterprise – Shumen | Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev | Northeastern State Enterprise – Shumen | 2019-2020 |
Adaptive changes in beech forests (Fagus sylvatica L.) after felling or natural disturbance | Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev | University of Forestry | 2020-2021 |
Upgrade of a distributed research infrastructure “Bulgarian network for long term Ecosystem Research” (LTER-BG) | Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev | National road map for research infrastructure, Ministry of Education and Science | 2020-2027 |
Soil research in the Lower and Middle mountain vegetation belt from the northern slope of the Western Balkan mountains. Project number № B-1072 / 16.03.2020. | Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Yordan Ivanov | Scientific research sector – University of Forestry | 2020-2021 |