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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Address: Bulgaria, Sofia 1797, bul. "Kliment Ohridski" 10, University of Forestry, Faculty "Veterinary Medicine";

Location: Building „А“ Rooms No 409, 426, Building "C", 1st floor, Rooms No: 1, 2, 9,10 and Building „D” Rooms: № 1, 2, 3, 103, 106,118, 119, 120, 128, 129 130, 131, 132, 133

Head of the Department: Assoc. Prof. Ilian Manev Manev, PhD

History: The foundations of Department “Anatomy, histology and physiology” date back to 1994, when the Faculty of Veterinary medicine was restored within the University of Forestry. Then, under the name “Anatomy, histology and embryology” it was the first department in the Faculty, headed by Professor Georgi Kovachev, Dr.Sc. Then in 1999 the Department was merged with Department of “Pre-clinical Veterinary sciences” (Head Prof. Nikola Sedloev). The newly established department of “Anatomy, histology and embryology” was headed by Prof. Yoncho Kostov, Dr. Sc. Currently, the department provides teaching in the following subjects: “Cytology and histology”, “Embriology”, “Anatomy of domestic animals” (systematic and topographic anatomy), “Animal physiology”. There were separated departments with the same names in the structure of the Faculty of Veterinary medicine of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (1923). The same subjects were taught also in the Higher Institute of Veterinary medicine “Prof. Dr. G. Pavlov”, Sofia, until 1974, when the Institute became a faculty within the structure of the Higher Institute of Zootechnics and Veterinary Medicine in Stara Zagora. The subject “Animal ethology” has been taught since 1995. In the new curriculum of the department in 2016, are included and taught two new disciplines - Morphological practice and Clinical anatomy.

The “Animal sciences” department was established in 1995 as a union of basic disciplines necessary for the creation of highly qualified specialists in veterinary medicine. The first head was Prof. Dimitar Stoev Dobrianov, DSc and after that the heads of the Department were Assos. Prof. Malcho Gospodinov Petrov, Prof. Bayko Dimitrov Baykov, Assos. Prof. Iliya Stoyanov Ralchev and prof. Zaprianka Nikolaeva Shindarska. The disciplines studied in the department provide modern knowledges required by each veterinarian in the field of genetics and breeding; biochemistry, general pathology and immunology, technology and hygiene requirements in the manufacture of organic production in livestock breeding; basic animal breeds; pedigree composition; modern feed requirements for domestic animals and the impact of individual feed and supplements on health, reproductive function and animal health and the quality of the animal products obtained. The mandatory subjects taught in the department are thirteen: Professional Ethics; Ecology; Molecular Biology; Nutrition and Agronomy; Genetics and Animal Breeding; Biochemistry; Livestock Breeding; Veterinary Hygiene and Animal Breeding Technology; Immunology; General pathology (Pathophysiology), Public Veterinary Case and Legislation, Forensic Veterinary Medicine. Six optional courses are in the department: History of Veterinary Medicine; Cynology, Working with laboratory animals, welfare and organization of the experiments, Quality and safety of animal feed, Veterinary services of organic livestock breeding, Genetic diagnostic methods in veterinary medicine. The department conducts obligatory students’ summer training on livestock breeding after Third year of education. Scientific research topics in the department are in the field of the assessment of the impact of various factors on the productivity of domestic animals, the management of animal evolution, characteristics of the immune response, analysis and improvement of the legislative base in the field of veterinary medicine and livestock breeding.

In 2021, a joint Department of “Anatomy, Physiology and Animal Sciences” was established on the basis of the Department of “Anatomy, Histology and Physiology “and the Department of “Animal Sciences”.

Academic staff of the Department:
Academic staff:
Head of the Department Assoc. Prof. Ilian Manev Manev, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Andrey Alexandrov Kurtenkov, DVM, PhD
Prof. Krasimira Ivanova Genova, DVM, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Veselin Kirov Kirov, DVM, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Violeta Gerasimova Alexandrova, DVM, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Georgi Ivanov Georgiev, DVM, PhD
Chief Assist. Prof. Mihail Stoyanov Chervenkov, DVM, PhD
Chief Assist. Prof. Iliana Stefanova Ruzhanova-Gospodinova, DVM, PhD
Chief Assist. Prof. Hristina Stalinova Neshovska, DVM, PhD
Chief Assist. Prof. Lyubomir Ivanov Hristakiev, DVM, PhD

Chief Assist. Prof. Ilian Stefanov Georgiev, DVM
Chief Assist. Prof. Victoria Emilova Marincheva, DVM

Chief Assist. Prof. Pavlina Ivanova Hristova, DVM, PhD
Assist. Prof. Slavko Naskov Nikolov, PhD

Part time Lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Emil Ivanov Sapundzhiev, DSc

Prof. Dr. Zapryanka Nikolaeva Shindarska, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Apostolos Apostolu, PhD

PhD students:

Dr. Milena Krastanova, DVM

Manager Learning Activities:
Ivelina Angelova Mavrova

Disciplines and teachers:
- Anatomy of domestic animals: Lectures are conducted by Assoc. Prof. Georgi Ivanov Georgiev and exercises by Assoc. Prof. Georgi Ivanov Georgiev, Assist. Prof. Iliyana Stefanova Rujanova-Gospodinova, Assist. Prof. Ilian Stefanov Georgiev as well as Lyubomir Ivanov Hristakiev DVM as part-time lecturer.

- Topographic anatomy: Lectures are conducted by Assoc. Prof. Georgi Ivanov Georgiev and exercises by Assoc. Prof. Georgi Ivanov Georgiev, Assist. Prof. Iliyana Stefanova Rujanova-Gospodinova, Assist. Prof. Ilian Stefanov Georgiev as well as Lyubomir Ivanov Hristakiev DVM as part-time lecturer.

- Morphological practice: Exercise are conducted by Assoc. Prof. Georgi Ivanov Georgiev, Assist. Iliyana Stefanova Rujanova-Gospodinova, Assist. Prof. Ilian Stefanov Georgiev as well as Lyubomir Ivanov Hristakiev DVM as part-time lecturer.

- Clinical anatomy: Lectures are conducted by Assoc. Prof. Georgi Ivanov Georgiev.

- Cytology and Histology: Lectures and exercises are conducted by Prof. Dr. Emil Ivanov Sapundzhiev, DSc as part-time lecturer and Chief Assistant Prof. Mihail Stoyanov Chervenkov, DVM, PhD some exercises are conducted by Lyubomir Ivanov Hristakiev DVM as part-time lecturer.

- Embryology: Lectures and exercises are conducted by Prof. Dr. Emil Ivanov Sapundzhiev, DSc as part-time lecturer and Chief Assistant Prof. Mihail Stoyanov Chervenkov, DVM, PhD some exercises are conducted by Lyubomir Ivanov Hristakiev DVM as part-time lecturer.

- Physiology: Lectures are conducted by Assoc. Prof. Violeta Gerasimova Alexandrova and exercises by Assoc. Prof. Violeta Gerasimova Alexandrova and Assist. Prof. Pavlina Ivanova Hristova, DVM

- Ethology, protection and animal welfare: Lectures are conducted by Assoc. Prof. Violeta Gerasimova Alexandrova and exercises by Assoc. Prof. Violeta Gerasimova Alexandrova and Assist. Prof. Pavlina Ivanova Hristova, DVM

- Ecology. Lectures are conducted by Assoc. Prof. Veselin Kirov Kirov, DVM, PhD and exercises by Assoc. Prof. Veselin Kirov Kirov, DVM, PhD and Assist. Prof. Hristina Stalinova Neshovska, DVM

- Professional Ethics. Lectures are conducted by Assoc. Prof. Andrey Alexandrov Kurtenkov, DVM, PhD

- Molecular Biology. Lectures are conducted by Prof. Krasimira Ivanova Genova, DVM, PhD

- Genetics and Animal Breeding. Lectures are conducted by Assoc. Prof. Andrey Alexandrov Kurtenkov, DVM, PhD and exercises by Assoc. Prof. Andrey Alexandrov Kurtenkov, DVM, PhD

- Nutrition and Agronomy. Lectures and part of exercises are conducted by Prof. Dr. Zapryanka Nikolaeva Shindarska, PhD as part-time lecturer and exercises by Assist. Prof. Hristina Stalinova Neshovska, DVM

- Biochemistry. Lectures are conducted by Prof. Zapryanka Nikolaeva Shindarska, PhD as part-time lecturer, Prof. Krasimira Ivanova Genova, DVM, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Iliyan Manev Manev, DVM, PhD and Chief Assist. Prof. Metodi Petrichev, DVM, PhD and exercises by Assoc. Prof. Iliyan Manev Manev, DVM, PhD and Chief Assist. Prof. Metodi Petrichev, DVM, PhD

- Animal husbandry. Lectures are conducted by Assoc. Prof. Andrey Alexandrov Kurtenkov, DVM, PhD and exercises by Assoc. Prof. Andrey Alexandrov Kurtenkov, DVM, PhD

- Pathology. Lectures are conducted by Prof. Krasimira Ivanova Genova, DVM, PhD
and exercises by Assoc. Prof. Iliyan Manev Manev, DVM, PhD and Prof. Krasimira Ivanova Genova, DVM, PhD

- Immunology. Lectures are conducted by Prof. Krasimira Ivanova Genova, DVM, PhD
and exercises by Prof. Krasimira Ivanova Genova, DVM, PhD and Assoc. Prof. Iliyan Manev Manev, DVM, PhD

- Veterinary Hygiene and Technology in Livestock. Lectures are conducted by Assoc. Prof. Veselin Kirov Kirov, DVM, PhD and exercises by Assoc. Prof. Veselin Kirov Kirov, DVM, PhD and Assist. Prof. Hristina Stalinova Neshovska, DVM

- Public Veterinary Case and Legislation. Lectures are conducted by Assoc. Prof. Veselin Kirov Kirov, DVM, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Ilian Kostov, DVM, PhD as part-time lecturer and exercises by Assoc. Prof. Veselin Kirov Kirov, DVM, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Ilian Kostov as part-time lecturer, DVM, PhD and Assist. Prof. Hristina Stalinova Neshovska, DVM

- Forensic Veterinary Medicine. Lectures are conducted by Assoc. Prof. Veselin Kirov Kirov, DVM, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Ilian Kostov, DVM, PhD as part-time lecturer and exercises by Assoc. Prof. Veselin Kirov Kirov, DVM, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Ilian Kostov as part-time lecturer, DVM, PhD and Assist. Prof. Hristina Stalinova Neshovska, DVM

- History of Veterinary Medicine. Lectures are conducted by Assoc. Prof. Andrey Alexandrov Kurtenkov, DVM, PhD

- Cynology (Dog breeding science). Lectures and exercises are conducted by Assist. Prof. Victoria Emilova Marincheva, DVM.

Working with laboratory animals, welfare, organization of the experiment. Lectures are conducted by Assoc. Prof. Krasimira Ivanova Genova, DVM, PhD
- Quality and safety of animal feed. Lectures and exercises are conducted by Assist. Prof. Hristina Stalinova Neshovska, DVM

- Veterinary Service of Organic Livestock breeding. Lectures are conducted by Assoc. Prof. Andrey Alexandrov Kurtenkov, DVM, PhD

- Genetic diagnostic methods in veterinary medicine. Lectures and exercises are conducted by Assist. Prof. Victoria Emilova Marincheva, DVM.

- Zoology - Lecrures are conducted by Assoc. Prof. Georgi Ivanov Georgiev, DVM, PhD and Chief Assist Mihail Stoyanov Chervenkov, DVM, PhD and exercises by Dr. Lyubomir Ivianov Hristakiev, DVM and some exercices by Assoc. Prof. Apostolos Apostolu,PhD

Scientific directions of the lecturers of the department:

Assoc. Prof. Georgi Ivanov Georgiev, DVM, PhD - blood flow to various organs and body parts, imaging and clinical anatomy, osteological studies and reviews
Assoc. Prof. Andrey Alexandrov Kurtenkov, DVM, PhD - evolution of domestic animals, organic farming, veterinary homeopathy, ostrich breeding
Prof. Krasimira Ivanova Genova, DVM, PhD - Reactivity and resistance, immunology and immunopathology, immunomodulators, probiotics and biologically active substances
Assoc. Prof. Veselin Kirov Kirov, DVM, PhD - Zoohygiene, veterinary legislation, forensic veterinary examinations, ecology
Assoc. Prof. Violeta Gerasimova Alexandrova, DVM, PhD - Electrocardiography, Electrophysiology, Ethology, Language in animals - soundgrams.
Assoc. Prof. Iliyan Manev Manev, DVM, PhD - nonspecific immunity, vaccines, epidemiology of vector-borne diseases
Chief Assist. Prof. Mihail Stoyanov Chervenkov, DVM, PhD - Male and female gametes, Reproductive biology, Biological activity of plant derived compounds
Assist. Prof. Iliana Stefanova Ruzhanova-Gospodinova, DVM, PhD - blood supply and visual anatomy of internal organs and Comparative osteology.
Assist. Prof. Victoria Emilova Marincheva, DVM - inherited diseases in domestic animals, breed predisposition, genetic factors for disease resistance, dog and cat breeding science
Assist. Prof. Ilian Stefanov Georgiev, DVM- blood flow to varius internal organs in the carnovora, visual anatomy, osteometry
Assist. Prof. Pavlina Ivanova Hristova, DVM - Physiology, Ethology, Language in animals - soundgrams
Assist. Prof. Hristina Stalinova Neshovska, DVM - zoohygiene, feeding of farm animals and pets, quality and safety of food and animal feed.

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