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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


The Microbiological Laboratory in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Forestry, is situated in "Tzarigradsko shosse" № 73. The person in charge is assoc. prof. Teodora Popova, Ph.D.
It is a teaching, diagnostic and research laboratory and is a part of clinical - diagnostic unit of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Forestry. It provides the following activities:

  • Teaching: ● Practical training of students of Veterinary Medicine in the discipline Microbiology. ● Postgraduate study in the specialty "Microbiology and diagnostic of bacterial infections”.
  • Diagnostic. Microbiological and mycological diagnostic tests of clinical and pathological materials from domestic and wild animals are carried out. Isolation and identification of pathogens through application of complex microscopic, cultural, biochemical and serological methods are performed, as well as in vitro determination of the sensitivity of isolated bacteria to antibiotics and chemotherapeutics.
  • Research.

We are currently working on the following projects:

  • Alien terrestrial arthropods and their impact on biodiversity in Bulgaria (ATARTIB) - on-going (partner) - Project N 827/17.12.2008.
  • Ecologization of anaerobe biotechnologies by combination of energy cultures and waste biomass (Project N DVU 02-282/2010 ).

Much of the results of research and diagnostic activities are implemented in the educational process. They are demonstrated to students during the practical classes. Permanent preparations are made, by which the collection for practical exercises is filled regulary. In some cases, pictures and other visual materials are made and used for academic work.

The laboratory has the necessary equipment for microbiological work (research microscope with camera and capabilities for ultramicroscopic and fluorescent study, educational microscopes, thermostats, refrigerators, autoclave, sterilizers, water bath, scales, centrifuges, distiller, etc.). Also a large collection of microbial strains, permanent microscopic preparations and necessary glassware, culture media, diagnostic kits, chemicals and other supplies are available.

Head of laboratory:  Аssoc. Prof. T. Popova, PhD

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