EDUCATION IN VETERINARY MEDICINE IN ENGLISH – Faculty of Veterinary medicine, Sofia, Bulgaria
In the academic year 2011/2012 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Forestry a course for “master” degree in English will be started. The students in the English master-degree course will be taught as the other students in the Faculty according to the same curriculum, compliant with the requirements of Directive 36/2005 EC. The training will be performed by lecturers from the Faculty, capable of teaching in English, and instructors from other universities and institutes with the demanded academic knowledge of the subjects in the curriculum. Everything in regard with the training in this master course will be regulated by the provisions of the Law on the Higher Education in force in Bulgaria. In the first year of study abound 15 students will be enrolled. Foreign students will be gathered by the foreign company “International Medicine Study” and other companies. The University of Forestry has signed a contract for co-operation with the mentioned companies.