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The recruitment procedure is based on three different requirements. The first one is based on the level of education and knowledge on the basic subject - Biology. The second one is based on the proficiency in English language. The third one is based on the presented documents. The selection of applicants is based on sitting an entrance test. The test is in English language, entirely in the field of Biology. It is consisted of two main parts. The first one is a reading comprehension text (scientific or popular scientific), followed by ten multiple choice questions. The second one includes thirty multiple choice questions, aiming at assessing applicants’ knowledge in the field of Biology.
The following documents are required for application:
- Application form – application form with attached photo of the applicant, containing brief personal information and the desired speciality.
- Copy of the document (diploma) for completed secondary/high school education with an Appendix showing the grades in Biology and Chemistry of the applicant. The grades in Biology and Chemistry must be at least 62% of the maximum possible value according to the grading system of the respective country.
- Certificate issued by authorized institution indicating that the diploma hold by the applicant gives him/her the rights to continue his/her education at university in his/her native country.
- The EU and EEA citizens, together with the diploma for completed secondary educaiton, shall also present a certificate, issued by the regional Department at the Ministry of Education, for recognized completed secondary education with grades, equated to the grades according to Art. 9, para. 1 of Ordinance No. 11 of 1 September 2016 for evaluation of the students’ training results.
- Medical certificate indicating that the applicant is clinically healthy.
- Copy of the applicant’s ID card.
- Two recent photos of the applicant (3.5/4.5 cm).
Documents concerning items 2, 3 and 5 have to be translated, legalized and certified in accordance with the international treaties of the Republic of Bulgaria with the State in which they were issued.
The rating of applicants is based on the total score of the following components:
- Duplicated grade from the entrance test;
- The grade in Biology from secondary/high school diploma;
- The grade in Chemistry from secondary/high school diploma.
Terms for the 2021/2022 academic year:
- Submission of application documents and payment of application fee (personally or by an authorized person or company) – from 01.06 to 03.09.2021 in the University of Forestry (main Campus address: 10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Bulgaria), floor 1, office 104 – Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – every working day from 8:30 to 16:00.
- Sample test and check the platform – 09.09.2021
- Entrance online test – on 10.09.2021 at 11:00.
- Announcement of entrance test results – 13.09.2021 at 13:00 online on the e-mails of applicants.
- Information and identification of entrance test results – 13.09.2021 at 14:00, office 101.
- Announcement of the list of admitted students - 13.09.2021 at 15:00, office 101
- Enrollment of admitted students – 14.09 – 21.09.2021, office 104, from 8,30 to 16,00.
Click here for pdf sample test
Click here for the detailed instructions for entrance exam
For all questions related to the application, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.