University of Forestry, dept. Furniture Production, 10 “Kl. Ohridski” blvd, Sofia 1797, Bulgaria
Head of the laboratory:
chief assist. Prof. Vasil Merdzhanov
Practical and student lab classes, scientific researches and consultations. Activities – measurements of viscosity, dry matter, curing, properties of coatings, physical and chemical parameters of adhesives and varnishes, recipes for stains, adhesive compositions, varnishes and paints.
Machines and equipment:
Viscosimeters dynamical, gravity, chemical reagents, Ph meters, mechanized stirrers, vacuum dryers, spraying facilities, adhesive and varnish roller application, small high temperature press, varnish hardness instruments, wear resistant devices, reflective microscopes, translucent light diffusers direct computer recording, electronic scales with different range and accuracy.
Contact person:
Merdzhanov, tel:+359 2 91 907 452; mob. +359 888104221
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Vasil Merdzhanov is a Member of the Chamber of Engineers of Investment Design: Full Design Aptitude.