Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth"
Main objective: To establish an efficient infrastructure for water management and purification, and solid waste recycling, utilisation of renewable and alternative sources of energy and resources, and development of innovations in the circular economy.
Activities: The project composes of 3 vertical and 4 horizontal modules. The vertical modules are “Waters”, “Solid waste” and “Transfer”. In the modules “Waters” and “Waste” there are two directions - “Monitoring, assessment and identification of the problems” and “Clean technologies”. In both modules, as horizontal priorities are included activities on circular economy and the achievement of energy and resource effectiveness.
All the activities of the CoC will be united in an electronical cloud for exchange and fast usage and structuring of the information. Innovation based on high-level achievements in the scientific research and technological developments, is an important priority. Control of processes in real time through automated chemical, physical, technological, microbiological and molecular methods, is planned. Key focus is set on the “Transfer” module. It will include activities related to education, dissemination of the results and technological entrepreneurship. Large-scale educational and qualification programs for bachelors, masters, PhD students, post-graduate students from business and scientific institutions are planned.
The project also envisages construction and renovation works for building a brand-new home of the CoC and for modernization of the existing labs.
Expected results: A modern CoC addressing the needs of the economy and education in the relevant areas.
Leading project partner is Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The other partners of the project are: University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy; University of Forestry; University “Prof. Asen Zlatarov” – Burgas; The Rostislaw Kaishew Institute of Physical Chemistry; Institute of Organic Chemistry with a Centre of Phytochemistry; The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology, and “Cleantech Bulgaria” Foundation.
Associated partners of the project are: Sofia municipality, “Sofiyska voda” AD, Interplast BG Ltd., Energy agency – Plovdiv, University of Modena – Italy.
Total funding: 23 667 925,86 BGN. Out of that amount 20 117 736,97 BGN is European and 3 550 188, 89 BGN is national co-funding.
Term of the project implementation: 30th March 2018 – 31st December 2023.
Landscape Architecture week is an annual event organized by students and lectors from University of forestry. This event has the aim to support students activities, to broad their knowledge and stimulating students inspiration and also to establish the relations between education and business. Students can also get acquainted with the work of Landscape architects. Many lectures, discussions, competitions, exhibitions and workshops are taking place during the week. This is a perfect opportunity for every student to get close to Landscape architecture as a profession.
23-27 april 2018
On 02.06.2017 the project BG05M2OP001-2.009-0034 "SUPPORT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENTIFIC CAPACITY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRY“ was launched, funded by the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" (2014-2020), headed by Assoc. Prof. PhD Nino Trichkov.
The project has a duration of 19 months (02.06.2017 - 31.12.2018), approved a total budget of BGN 788 464.00 leva and with the main purpose - increasing the scientific capacity of the lecturers from the University of Forestry and the interest of young people and the public in scientific Research and their results.
The specific objectives set are:
- Promoting research and building an affiliate network for interdisciplinary research on the management and use of biological resources.
- Increasing the qualification of teachers from the University of Forestry in terms of scientific activity.
- Creating a favorable R & D environment by supporting mobility, experimental activities and specialization and dissemination of scientific results.
The objectives of the project will be achieved through the following activities:
- Mobility for conducting research and related activities.
- Promoting research on management and sustainable use of biological resources.
- Qualification, continuing training and career development of those employed in the field of science at the University of Forestry.
- Development of affiliate networks for conducting research on sustainable management and use of biological resources.
- Creation of research potential and favorable conditions for conducting research in the University of Forestry.
- Distribution of scientific results.
- Support for participation in international scientific forums and for scientific publications in internationally recognized journals.
- Support for participation in research outside the University of Forestry.
- Organization and management of the project.
- Information and communication.
The activities envisaged under this project reflect the University of Forestry policy of providing optimal conditions for the realization of young people in research with a view to the sustainable development of the university and its integration into the European Research Area. The implementation of the project will contribute to:
- Achieving the objectives of the OP NPO "Priority Axis: 2" Education and Lifelong Learning".
- Raising the interest of young people and the public in research and their results.
- Increasing the scientific capacity and creating a favorable environment for R & D at the University of Forestry.
In the target groups will be included 80 lecturers, teachers, postdoctoral students, young scientists, postgraduates, PhD students and students from the University of Forestry. The expected impact on the target groups will be in several aspects:
- Increased scientific capacity of the participants in the target groups, which will guarantee the competitiveness and the future scientific development of the young specialists.
- Increased qualification of teachers from the University of Forestry in terms of scientific activity, which will contribute to their career development.
- Increased interest in the practical application of new scientific results and technologies in solving specific tasks in practice.
- Motivated students for more active participation in conducting research, which will contribute to the activation of the circular activity.
Dear students,
Dear Academic Teachers,
Dear Learning Organizations and mentors,
Within the EUROPEAN YOUTH WEEK 2017, we invite you to the INFORMATION MEETING under Project BG05M2OP001-2.002-0001 "Student Practices - Phase 1", which is being implemented under the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds.
The event will be held on 3.05.2017 / Wednesday / at 12.00 in the Aula of the University of Forestry, Sofia, 10, Kliment Ohridski Blvd.
The University of Forestry is a partner of the Ministry of Education and Science under Project BG05M2OP001-2.002-0001 "Student Practices - Phase 1" implemented under the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Structural and Innovative Funds.
The project aims to support and encourage the establishment of stable partnerships between higher education and business, to increase the incentives for students to participate in further practical training in a real work environment and to assist them in finding a job immediately after their graduation.
Further information can be found at the Electronic Learning Platform of the University of Forestry, which is available to all university students and lecturers.
Information about guests, mentors and training organizations can be found at:
The University of Forestry is a partner of Project BG05M2OP001-2.002-0001 "Student Practices - Phase 1", implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science under the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth", co-financed by the European Structural and Innovation Funds.
The aim of the project is to help improve the quality of higher education by providing opportunities for acquiring practical experience and improving the practical skills of students in line with the needs of the labor market.
The project is in line with the measures envisaged in the Strategy for Higher Education in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2014-2020 for building a sustainable and effective relationship between higher education and the labor market. It aims to support and encourage the establishment of stable partnerships between higher education and business, to increase students' incentives to participate in further practical training in a real work environment and to assist them in finding a job immediately after their graduation.
The implementation of the project envisages the participation of 431 students from the University of Forestry in practical training in a real working environment. Employers can be business and non-profit organizations, state and municipal administration, schools and training organizations, employers' organizations and other legal entities.
In order to be respected for successfully completed practice, students should be trained in a real working environment 240 astronomical hours. For the practice, the student will receive a scholarship of 480 leva.
New registration of employers under the project "Student Practices - Phase 1" started in September 2016. Employers wishing to participate in the project and hire students as interns in their organization can fill in their profile in the project information system at http://praktiki.mon.bg/sp/.
It is planned that on 15 September 2016 modules for students and higher education graduates will be fully operational and advertised by employers will become visible.
If you have any questions, please contact MES by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as well as call 02 9217 471 or 02 9217 465
Information on the participation of the University of Forestry in the project can be obtained from the Functional Experts with the following composition:
- for the Faculty of Agronomy - Prof. DSc Nidal Shaban;
- for the Faculty of Forestry Industry - Assoc. Prof. PhD Niko Trichkov;
- for the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture - Prof. Mariana Doncheva-Boneva;
- for the Faculty of Forestry - Assoc. Prof. PhD Simeon Bogdanov;
- for the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Ch. Assoc. Prof. Kalin Hristov, PhD;
- for the Faculty of Business Administration - Ch. Ass. Prof. Svetlana Taneva Staneva, PhD;
- Leading Functional Expert - Ch. Prof. Elena Tsvetkova, PhD.
- As well as from the technical contractors to the project:
- for FFI, FELA, FF, FBМ - eng. Hristina Stefanova in room 205 /building A of University of Forestry/;
- for FVM and AF - eng. Maria Pochinkova-Yordanova in Kab. 310 /building D of the University of Forestry/.