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Landscape Architecture week is an annual event organized by students and lectors from University of forestry. This event has the aim to support students activities, to broad their knowledge and stimulating students inspiration and also to establish the relations between education and business. Students can also get acquainted with the work of Landscape architects. Many lectures, discussions, competitions, exhibitions and workshops are taking place during the week. This is a perfect opportunity for every student to get close to Landscape architecture as a profession.

23-27 april 2018

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On 02.06.2017 the project BG05M2OP001-2.009-0034 "SUPPORT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENTIFIC CAPACITY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRY“ was launched, funded by the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" (2014-2020), headed by Assoc. Prof. PhD Nino Trichkov.

The project has a duration of 19 months (02.06.2017 - 31.12.2018), approved a total budget of BGN 788 464.00 leva and with the main purpose - increasing the scientific capacity of the lecturers from the University of Forestry and the interest of young people and the public in scientific Research and their results.

The specific objectives set are:

  • Promoting research and building an affiliate network for interdisciplinary research on the management and use of biological resources.
  • Increasing the qualification of teachers from the University of Forestry in terms of scientific activity.
  • Creating a favorable R & D environment by supporting mobility, experimental activities and specialization and dissemination of scientific results.

The objectives of the project will be achieved through the following activities:

  • Mobility for conducting research and related activities.
  • Promoting research on management and sustainable use of biological resources.
  • Qualification, continuing training and career development of those employed in the field of science at the University of Forestry.
  • Development of affiliate networks for conducting research on sustainable management and use of biological resources.
  • Creation of research potential and favorable conditions for conducting research in the University of Forestry.
  • Distribution of scientific results.
  • Support for participation in international scientific forums and for scientific publications in internationally recognized journals.
  • Support for participation in research outside the University of Forestry.
  • Organization and management of the project.
  • Information and communication.

The activities envisaged under this project reflect the University of Forestry policy of providing optimal conditions for the realization of young people in research with a view to the sustainable development of the university and its integration into the European Research Area. The implementation of the project will contribute to:

  • Achieving the objectives of the OP NPO "Priority Axis: 2" Education and Lifelong Learning".
  • Raising the interest of young people and the public in research and their results.
  • Increasing the scientific capacity and creating a favorable environment for R & D at the University of Forestry.

In the target groups will be included 80 lecturers, teachers, postdoctoral students, young scientists, postgraduates, PhD students and students from the University of Forestry. The expected impact on the target groups will be in several aspects:

  • Increased scientific capacity of the participants in the target groups, which will guarantee the competitiveness and the future scientific development of the young specialists.
  • Increased qualification of teachers from the University of Forestry in terms of scientific activity, which will contribute to their career development.
  • Increased interest in the practical application of new scientific results and technologies in solving specific tasks in practice.
  • Motivated students for more active participation in conducting research, which will contribute to the activation of the circular activity.



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