Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nevena Vasileva Shuleva
1797 Sofia, 10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd.
Tel.: +359 882 602 009
Tel.: +359 2 426 1263
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CCE Inspector
Anita Terzieva
1797 Sofia, 10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., building A, office 109
Tel.: +359 882 602 009
Tel.: +359 2 426 1263
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Specialization as a form of education that offers an opportunity to increase the acquired qualification in a given specialty, accompanied by a certificate of professional qualification after its successful completion.
Form of education: full-time and part-time; individual and group based
Duration of study: 2 - 4 semesters
Enrollment: all year round
Students can receive the necessary training for raising the qualification on topics from all spheres of veterinary medicine, forestry, ecology and environmental protection, agronomy, plant protection, landscape architecture, economy and management and tourism.
Education on acquiring professional qualification offers the opportunity to acquire an additional or new qualification, accompanied by a certificate of professional qualification.
Form of education: full-time and part-time; individual and group
Duration of study: not less than 1 year, according to the Curriculum adopted by the Academic Council of the University of Forestry.
Enrollment: all year round
The University of Forestry organizes training for acquiring teacher qualification, according to the Ordinance on state requirements for acquiring professional qualification "teacher" and ORDINANCE № 15 of July 22, 2019 on the status and professional development of teachers, principals and other pedagogical specialists. Graduates are issued a certificate of professional qualification "Teacher" , which entitles them to teach in secondary schools and vocational schools.
The training is designed for graduates in the following professional fields: forestry, veterinary medicine, crop production, plant protection, land sciences, administration and management, tourism and general engineering. Full-time and part-time students from all specialties at the University of Forestry can study in parallel with their main specialty.
Courses for raising qualification and refreshing of knowledge are organized at the request of the applicant or according to previously prepared programs by the teaching staff of the University of Forestry and / or other related organizations and institutions.
The aim of the training is to provide special knowledge, skills and competences lasting up to one semester. After the completion of each course, a certificate for the conducted training is provided.
The preparatory courses are organized to prepare candidate students for the specialties at the University of Forestry. Preparatory courses are organized for candidate students in biology, mathematics and drawing.
The training starts after recruiting a number of candidates necessary for the formation of a group. Intensive candidate student courses are held during the school holidays.
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.: +359 882 602 009
Tel.: +359 2 426 1263
Anita Terzieva – CCE Inspector